Thursday, November 7, 2013

巧克力芝士蛋糕 Chocolate Bliss Cheesecake

Oreo饼干算是我们颇爱吃的干粮之一, 所以家里最常有存货的饼干只有它, 为了要做个简易的芝士蛋糕, 它功不可没啊!


{材料} OREO饼干 6 片(压碎),牛油1大匙(融化),奶油干酪1块(8安士, 软化),糖¼杯, 香草精½茶匙, 巧克力块2块状(2安士, 融化, 冷却待用), 鸡蛋1粒。


1. 预热烤箱325◦F。

2. 将oreo饼干压碎与牛油充分拌均, 然后压平与紧在要用的烘盘上, 放入冰箱待用。

3. 将奶油干酪, 糖与香草精用中速度打至松与滑, 加入融化巧克力拌均, 再加入鸡蛋以低速度搅拌均匀后, 倒在已冷硬的饼皮上.

4. 烘约30-35分钟或已经熟即可。

5. 用刀子或抹刀在烘盘边缘绕一圈, 松一松蛋糕, 待冷后才取出。

6. 要冷藏至少四小时或过夜即可食用, 吃不完的依然要继续冷藏。

Chocolate Bliss Cheesecake

{Ingredients} OREO cookies x 6 pcs (finely crushed), butter x 1 tbsp (melted), cream cheese x 1 (8 oz, softened), sugar x ¼ cup, vanilla x ½ tsp, baker’s semi-sweet chocolate x 2 squares (2 oz, melted, cooled slightly), egg x 1


1. Preheat oven to 325◦F.

2. Mix cookie crumbs and butter, press firmly onto bottom of pan and keep in fridge.

3. Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Add chocolate and mix well. Add egg and mixing on low speed just until blended. Pour over cold crust.

4. Bake 30-35 mins or until center is almost set.

5. Run knife or metal spatula around the rim of pan to loose cake, cool before removing from pan.

6. Refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight, ready to serve and must store leftover cheesecake in refrigerator.

Previous:  黄糖面包 Brown Sugar Bun

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