Sunday, June 28, 2015

蛋炒长豆萝卜丝 Stir-fried Long Bean, Carrot and Eggs

蛋炒长豆萝卜丝 Stir-fried Long Bean, Carrot and Eggs


{材料} 鸡蛋3颗, 长豆丁(先过热油稍微煎香备用), 萝卜丝, 小红葱碎。

{调味料} 盐1茶匙, 胡椒粉和麻油适量, 栗粉水1汤匙。


1. 鸡蛋打入碗中, 调入调味料(除了栗粉水)加入长豆丁和萝卜丝。

2. 锅中倒入2大匙的油烧热, 放入小红葱碎炒香, 倒入蛋汁不停地搅拌炒至半熟后加入栗粉水。

3. 继续翻炒至熟即可盛起。

Stir-fried Long Bean, Carrot and Eggs

{Ingredients} Eggs x 3, diced long bean (Slight fry over hot oil, drain well and set aside), shredded carrot, chopped shallots.

{Seasonings} Salt x 1 tsp, some pepper and sesame oil, corn flour solution x 1 tbsp.


1. Beat eggs in a bowl, season in seasonings (except corn flour solution) , diced long bean and shredded carrot.

2. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in wok to sauté chopped shallots till fragrant, pour in egg mixture and stir-fry until barely set only add in corn flour solution.

3. Continue to stirring and tossing to mix well, transfer to serving plate.

Previous:火腿番茄葱炒意面 Fried Spaghetti with onion, ham and tomatoes

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