Wednesday, August 1, 2012

胡罗卜番茄粥 Carrot and Tomato Congee

胡罗卜(Carrot)的别名有胡萝菔、黄萝卜、金笋、丁香萝卜、红芦菔、甘笋、黄根、卜香菜、药萝卜、赤珊瑚等. 胡萝卜的品种很多, 按色泽可分为红、橘黄、白、紫等数种, 以质细味甜、脆嫩多汁、表皮光滑、形状整齐、心柱小、肉厚、无裂口和病虫伤害的为佳.

番茄(Tomato)别名西红柿、洋柿子. 美国一些医学专家在研究了许多调查报告后发现, 多吃番茄具有较强的防癌作用. 因为番茄含有一种抗氧化剂—茄红素, 能够减低癌症发病率的作用, 同时它还有多种有益的化合物, 它们之间复杂的相互作用增强了番茄防癌的能力.

{材料} 萝卜 x 1 条(切成丁状), 番茄x 3粒, 白米x 1 ½ 杯.

{调味料} 盐, 香油与鸡粉适量.


1. 番茄洗净, 用沸水川烫后; 捞起去皮切成小块状, 备用.

2. 白米淘洗干净后, 放入电饭锅加8大杯水用”慢煮”功能煮一个小时. 然后, 加入萝卜小段状与番茄块状再用”慢煮”功能煮一个半小时. 最后, 调入盐, 香油与鸡粉适量调味即可.

Carrot and Tomato Congee

{Ingredients} Carrot x 1 (cut into small cubes), tomato x 3, white rice x 1 ½ cup

{Seasonings} salt, sesame oil and chicken powder in proper amount.


1. Wash tomatoes and blanch in boiling water; discard skin and cut in diced. Keep aside.

2. Wash white rice, add in 8 cups of clean water and cook in electric rice cooker under “slow cook” function for 1 hour. Then, add in carrot and tomato cubes to cook for another 1 and half hours. Lastly, seasoning with some salt, sesame oil and chicken powder, ready to serve.

Previous: 滑炒鱼片

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