Sunday, June 9, 2013

干贝西蓝花杂炒高丽菜 Scallop Broccoli Mix Fried Cabbage


高丽菜半粒 (切丝), 西蓝花1/4粒(切朵状), 红萝卜1/2 条(去皮切片), 炸鱼丸2粒(切丝), 蒜头瓣x 2(剁碎), 洋葱丝, 干贝粒, 鸡肉碎适量

{调味料} 盐 ½ 茶匙, 糖 ½ 茶匙, 蚝油1大匙, 绍兴酒 ½ 大匙, 水与栗粉水适量


1. 西蓝花切成朵状, 用沸水(放些许盐与油)川烫一下后, 捞起过冷水后沥干备用.

2. 锅中烧热2大汤匙油, 爆香蒜碎与洋葱丝后, 加入鸡肉碎拌炒至变色.

3. 放入红萝卜片, 干贝粒, 鱼丸丝炒均后, 加入高丽菜丝与西蓝花拌炒一下.

4. 再倒入绍兴酒与此同时调入盐, 糖, 蚝油与适量的水拌均.

5. 用大火翻炒至水沸后, 以栗粉水勾芡即可熄火上碟 .

Scallop Broccoli Mix Fried Cabbage

{Ingredients} Cabbage x half (shredded), broccoli (flower shape), carrot x ½ (skinless and sliced), fried fish ball x 2 (shredded), garlic cloves x 2 (chopped), chopped onion, some baby scallops and chopped chicken meat.

{Seasonings} salt x ½ tsp, sugar x ½ tsp, oyster sauce x 1 tbsp, Shaxing wine x ½ tbsp, some water and corn flour solution.


1. Blanch broccoli over the boiling water with some salt and oil, remove and refresh under cold water.

2. Heat up oil in frying pan, saute chopped garlic and shredded onion, add in chopped chicken meat to stir-fry until change to white color.

3. Then, add in carrot, baby scallops and fish ball to mix well, add in cabbage and broccoli and stir-fry a while.

4. Add in seasonings to mix well.

5. Continue to stir-fry under high heat until boiling, thicken with corn flour solution. Dish up.

Previous: 金针菇炒鸡蛋 Flammulina scrambled eggs

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