Thursday, July 25, 2013

清炒缤纷莲藕片 Fried colorful lotus root slice


{材料} 藕片, 甜椒丁, 青葱丁, 姜碎, 蒜碎适量.

{调味料} 盐1小匙, 鸡粉 ½小匙, 栗粉水2大匙.


1. 藕片用清水浸泡15分钟, 然后用沸水以中火川烫20-30分钟后, 沥干备用.

2. 锅中烧热2大汤匙油, 爆香蒜碎与姜碎后, 加入甜椒丁拌炒均匀.

3. 放入藕片炒均后, 调入盐与鸡粉, 再加入青葱丁翻炒均匀. 最后以栗粉水勾芡即可.

Fried colorful lotus root slice

{Ingredients} Lotus root slice, diced bell pepper, diced green onions, chopped ginger, chopped garlic in right amount.

{Seasonings} Salt x 1 tsp, chicken powder ½ tsp, corn flour solution x 2 tbsp.


1. Soaked lotus root slice in water for 15 mins, then blanch it through boiling water that under medium heat for 20-30 mins, drain well and set aside.

2. Heat up 2 tbsp oil, saute chopped garlic and ginger till fragrant only add in diced bell pepper to stir-fry till mixed.

3. Then, add in lotus root slice to mix well, season with salt and chicken powder, add in diced green onions to stir-fry. Lastly thicken with corn flour solution will do.

Previous:  蛋碎豆腐 Eggs with fried beancurd

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