什锦炒白豆干丝 Stir-fry Bean Curd Strips


{材料} 白豆干丝1包, 蒜碎1大匙, 小红葱碎1茶匙, 姜碎1/2茶匙,青葱丁2汤匙, 鸡肉片(用酱油与胡椒粉腌5分钟), 粉丝(泡软),木耳丝,萝卜丝和甜椒丝适量

{调味料} 豆瓣酱1茶匙, 绍兴酒1/2汤匙, 蚝油1/2茶匙, 糖1/2 茶匙, 水,芝麻油,胡椒粉与鸡粉少许


1. 白豆干丝先用热水川烫大约一分钟, 捞起过冷水备用。

2. 起油锅爆香蒜葱姜碎和一半青葱丁, 加入鸡肉炒至变色, 再加入木耳丝与绍兴酒拌炒一下。

3. 加入萝卜丝,甜椒丝, 白豆干丝, 粉丝与其它调味料拌炒均匀, 焖煮至水快干或至熟即可。

Stir-fry Bean Curd Strips

{Ingredients} Bean curd strips x 1 pack, chopped garlic x 1 tbsp, chopped shallots x 1 tsp, chopped ginger x 1 /2 tsp, diced green onions x 2 tbsp, chicken fillet (marinate with some soy sauce and pepper for 5 mins), vermicelli (soak till tender), some shredded black fungus, shredded carrots and shredded bell pepper.

{Seasonings} Bean paste x 1 tsp, Shaoxing wine x ½ tbsp, oyster sauce x 1 /2 tsp, sugar x ½ tsp, some water, sesame oil, pepper and chicken powder


1. Blanch bean curd strips in the boiling water for 1 min, remove and refresh under cold water.

2. Heat up oil, sauté chopped garlic, shallot, ginger and half of green onions till fragrant, add in chicken fillet to stir fry until change color, then add in shredded black fungus and Shaoxing wine.

3. Add in shredded carrots, bell pepper, bean curd strips, vermicelli and balance seasoning, stir fry for a while, and stew until the sauce is thick. Ready to serve.

 Stir-fry Bean Curd Strips
Previous: 粉丝包子 Steamed Vermicelli Bun


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