Saturday, July 26, 2014

简易碗仔翅 Shark Fin Soup in Small Bowls

香港街边出了名的地道小吃,不是真的鱼翅是仿鱼翅的羹汤, 这是家庭味的简易版本。比起之前做过的鱼翅羹材料简单些, 懒或家里没什么料时可以考虑做这道!食谱参考自简易食谱


{材料} 香菇2朵(泡软切丁), 木耳丝(泡软切碎), 鸡肉碎(用酱油, 米酒与胡椒粉腌10分钟), 鱼翅(洗净沥干), 鸡蛋1粒(加盐与麻油打散),蒜碎, 红葱碎, 姜碎,太白粉水大约1/4 杯

{调味料} 罐头鸡汤1大罐,清水适量,酱油1大匙,鱼露1/2 茶匙,鸡精粉1茶匙, 糖1茶匙, 绍兴酒1大匙, 麻油1茶匙与胡椒粉少许


1. 烧热2大匙油爆香葱蒜姜碎, 加入香菇丁, 木耳丝与肉碎炒至肉变色。

2. 倒入鸡汤与适量的水煮滚后, 加鱼翅与其它调味料, 再加太白分水搅拌均匀。

3. 倒入蛋液, 转中火继续搅拌均匀煮上15分钟即可, 吃时可以加几滴黑醋。

Shark Fin Soup in Small Bowls

{Ingredients} Mushroom x 2 (soak till tender, diced), black fungus (soak till tender, diced), ground chicken (marinates with some soy sauce, rice wine and pepper for 10 mins), imitation shark fin (wash and drain well), egg x 1 (beaten with some salt and sesame oil), chopped garlic, shallots and gingers, tapioca starch water about ¼ cup.

{Seasonings} Chicken stock x 1 can, some water, soy sauce x 1 tbsp, fish sauce x ½ tsp, chicken powder x 1 tsp, sugar x 1 tsp, Shao xing wine x 1 tbsp, sesame oil x 1 tsp and pepper.


1. Heat up olive oil in a wok to sauté chopped garlic, shallot and ginger till fragrant, add in mushroom, black fungus and ground chicken to stir-fry until change color.

2. Pour in chicken stock and water, bring it to boil only add in imitation shark fin and other seasonings, then add in tapioca starch water and continue stirring to mix them well.

3. Then, follow by pour in the egg mixture by clockwise direction, simmer it under medium heat for 15 mins until flavors are developed, serve with black vinegar if like.

Previous: 芋头饭 Yam Rice

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