Friday, July 25, 2014

芋头饭 Yam Rice

Yam Rice
因为朋友买多了而给了我一半的芋头, 所以就上网研究食谱来尝试煮电饭锅芋头饭。 食谱参考自紫罗兰的爱心厨房厨苑食谱。对虾敏感的我把虾米换成了小鱼干/江鱼仔...有时间的话煮上猪肚汤肉骨茶配更完美!


芋头丁, 白米两杯(洗净沥干备用), 水2杯, 香菇2朵(泡软切丁), 小鱼干(泡软切碎), 蒜碎2大匙, 小红葱碎1大匙, 鸡肉片(用一点姜碎, 酱油, 黑酱油, 糖, 胡椒粉与麻油腌上2小时)

{调味料} 酱油1汤匙, 黑酱油1/2 茶匙, 蚝油1 ½ 汤匙, 麻油一茶匙, 胡椒粉少许


1. 起5大匙油锅, 先把芋头丁炒至有点软即可取出待用。

2. 然后,爆香蒜葱碎与小鱼干碎, 加入香菇丁拌炒一会儿。

3. 加入鸡肉片炒至变色后, 续而加入芋头丁白米与调味料翻炒均匀。

4. 把芋头饭倒入饭锅, 加入水, 放进饭锅用煮饭键煮至熟即可。

Yam Rice

{Ingredients} Yam (diced), white rice x 2 cups (wash and drain well), water x 2 cups, mushroom x 2 (soak till tender, diced), dried anchovy (soak till tender, chopped), chopped garlic x 2 tbsp, chopped shallots x 1 tbsp, chicken slices (marinates with some chopped ginger, soy sauce, black soy sauce, sugar, pepper and sesame oil for 2 hours)

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tbsp, black soy sauce x ½ tsp, oyster sauce x 1 ½ tbsp., sesame oil x 1 tsp, some pepper


1. Heat up 5 tbsp oil, to cook diced yam till bit tender, remove and set aside.

2. Then, add in some oil to sauté chopped garlic, shallot and dried anchovy till fragrant, add in diced mushroom to stir fry a while.

3. Add in chicken slices and cook till change color, follow by add in diced yam, white rice and seasonings to continue stirring evenly.

4. Pour the yam rice into rice cooker; add in water, press “cook” button to cook till cooked.

不够黑的芋头饭完成品, 黑酱油应该要放多一点卖相更好!
Previous: 海鲜酱拌炒意大利面 Hoisin Sauce Spaghetti


  1. 好多芋头的芋头饭。。。比饭还要多,真好料!

  2. 谢谢你的芋头饭, 做的真好吃!


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