Wednesday, June 15, 2016

双葱油拌面 Double Onions Noodles

双葱油拌面 Double Onions Noodles: Ramen Noodle
双葱油拌面 Double Onions Noodles: Instant Noodle

吃了鼎泰丰的葱油拌面后,再次提醒自己好像之前做的葱油拌面味道还不足,应该加些大葱碎或小红葱碎更加像在餐馆吃的那般好滋味。不断尝试几次后,面条卖相虽然不怎么佳,因为懒妈妈图个快字,弄烂点没加调味料前, 拿起来一些拌上江鱼仔粉(通常我会把江鱼仔煎至酥脆后搅拌成粉状,存入冰箱可以耐三周!)汤娃就可以吃啦,但是双葱油真的香很多。


{材料} 面条(川烫好备用), 洋葱丁,青葱丁, 香菇丁(泡软), 肉碎(用一点黑酱油,酱油和胡椒粉腌5分钟), 水煮鸡蛋(切片备用)

{调味料}黑酱油 ½ 茶匙,蚝油1茶匙, 酱油2 汤匙, 糖1茶匙, 水3汤匙(有泡香菇的水更好),和胡椒粉少许,全部混合拌均,用微波炉30秒叮热备用 。


1. 起油锅先把香菇肉碎炒香和熟备用。

2. 另起5大匙的油锅以中火爆香大葱和青葱丁至深褐色备用。

3. 然后,把川烫的面条,调味料和葱油拌均后,装盘加入香菇肉碎和水煮蛋当配料即可享用。

Double Onions Mushroom Minced Meat Noodles

{Ingredients} Noodles (boiled, drained well and set aside), diced onion, diced green onion, diced mushroom (soaked till tender), minced meat (marinate with some dark soy sauce, soy sauce and pepper for 5 mins), boiled eggs (sliced)

{Seasonings} Dark soy sauce x ½ tsp, oyster sauce x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 2 tbsp, sugar x 1 tsp, water x 3 tbsp (Use water that use to soak the mushroom if do keep) and some pepper, mixed well and microwave it for 3 seconds.


1. Heat up oil to stir-fry diced mushroom and minced meat till cooked, dish up and set aside.

2. Heat up another 5 tbsp of oil to sauté diced onions and green onions under medium heat till dark brown color, remove and set aside.

3. Then, put in cooked noodles, seasonings and onion’s oil in a bowl and mix well, arrange well-mixed noodles with some cooked mushroom meats and eggs slices on a serving plate.

Previous: 酱油荷包蛋鸡翅 Soy Braised Chicken Wings with Eggs

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