Friday, June 10, 2016

酱油荷包蛋鸡翅 Soy Braised Chicken Wings with Eggs

酱油荷包蛋鸡翅 Soy Braised Chicken Wings with Eggs


{材料} 鸡蛋, 鸡翅, 蒜碎,小红葱碎, 姜片, 八角1-2个

{调味料} 黑酱油1茶匙,酱油1大匙, 蚝油半茶匙,胡椒粉,冰糖和水适量


1. 先把鸡蛋全都煎成荷包蛋备用。

2. 爆香蒜葱姜, 再把鸡翅和调味料放入拌一拌。

3. 煮沸后, 慢火煮上20分钟再加入荷包蛋搅拌均匀即可。

Soy Braised Chicken Wings with Eggs

{Ingredients} Eggs, chicken wings, chopped garlic, chopped shallots, ginger slices, star anise x 1-2

{Seasonings} Black soy sauce x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 1 tbsp, oyster sauce x ½ tsp, some pepper, rosk sugar and water.


1. Heat up oil to fry the egg according to personal preference and set aside.

2. Then, continue by sauté the chopped garlic, shallots and ginger till fragrant only add in chicken wings and seasonings.

3. Mixed well and bring to boil, switch to low heat to cook for another 20 mins follow by add in the eggs to stir till well combined.

Previous: 土豆肉碎盖饭 Ground Pork Potatoes Over Rice

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