Friday, June 3, 2016

土豆肉碎盖饭 Ground Pork Potatoes Over Rice

土豆肉碎盖饭  Ground Pork Potatoes Over Rice


{材料} 土豆(洗净去皮切丁,泡清水备用),肉碎(用酱油,胡椒粉和米酒腌10分钟), 蒜碎, 小红葱碎。

{调味料} 黑酱油1茶匙,酱油半汤匙,蚝油一茶匙,五香粉,糖,盐和水适量。


1. 起油锅爆香蒜葱碎,加入肉碎炒至变色。

2. 然后,加入土豆丁拌炒一下,调入调味料煮至沸后,小火焖至土豆熟即可拌饭啦。

Ground Pork Potatoes Over Rice

{Ingredients} Potato (Clean and skinless, diced and soaked in water, set aside), ground pork (marinate with some soy sauce, pepper and rice wine for 10 mins), chopped garlic and shallot.

{Seasonings} Dark soy sauce x 1 tsp, soy sauce x ½ tbsp., oyster sauce x 1 tsp, some five spice powder, sugar, salt and water.


1. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic and shallot till fragrant, add in marinated ground pork to stir-frying till change color.

2. Then, follow by add in diced potatoes and seasonings, bring to boil and switch to low heat to simmer till cooked.

Previous: 当归红枣枸杞鸡汤 Chicken Soup with Chinese Angelica, Red Dates and Goji Berries

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