Tuesday, January 31, 2017

甜椒丁蛋炒饭 Bell Pepper Egg Fried Rice

甜椒丁蛋炒饭 Bell Pepper Egg Fried Rice




1. 把2大匙蛋液加入隔夜白饭搅拌均匀备用。




Overnight white rice x 1 small bowl, diced bell pepper, broccoli (soaked with salted water, blanch over boiling water for 3 mins), minced pork, egg x 1 (beaten)


1. Mix 2 tbsp of egg mixture into overnight white rice, make sure well combined and set aside.

2. Heat up 1 tbsp of olive oil to stir-fry minced pork and diced bell pepper,  pour in balance of egg mixture to continue stir-frying, .

3. Then, follow by add in overnight white rice to stir-fry over high heat till cooked, add in cooked broccoli while serving.

Previous: 黄金米饭饼 Golden Rice Pancake

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

白萝卜鱿鱼丝鸡腿汤 Daikon Radish Soup with Chicken and Dried Squid

白萝卜鱿鱼丝鸡腿汤 Daikon Radish Soup with Chicken and Dried Squid 


{材料} 白萝卜1条(去皮切块状),鸡腿1只, 鱿鱼丝适量,红枣3-5颗。

{调味料} 盐适量


1. 取一深锅,注入适量清水煮沸后加入白萝卜和红枣先煮30分钟左右。

2. 然后加入鸡腿和鱿鱼丝再煮上30分钟,喜欢更软烂的口感可以再继续煮多15分钟。

3. 最后,调入盐煮上5分钟即可趁热享用。

Daikon Radish Soup with Chicken and Dried Squid

{Ingredients} Radish x 1 (peeled and cut into bit-size shape), chicken thigh x 1, some shredded dried squid, red dates x 3-5pcs.

{Seasonings} Some salt.


1. Filling in right amount water in a deep pot and bring to boil, add in radish and red dates to cook for 30 mins.

2. Then, add in chicken thigh and squid to cook for another 30 mins, if prefer more tender can extra cook for another 15 mins.

3. Lastly, season in the salt to cook for another 5 mins and serve hot.

Previous:高丽菜香菇萝卜肉碎粥 Tasty Pork Congee with Cabbage, Shiitake Mushroom and Carrots

Friday, January 20, 2017

高丽菜香菇萝卜肉碎粥 Tasty Pork Congee with Cabbage, Shiitake Mushroom and Carrots

高丽菜香菇萝卜肉碎粥 Tasty Pork Congee with Cabbage, Shiitake Mushroom and Carrots
Tasty Pork Congee with Cabbage, Shiitake Mushroom and Carrots cooking in progress.
Ready,  serve hot or keep warmed.


{材料} 白米1杯(洗净), 高丽菜 (洗净切丝),猪肉碎(用一点酱油和胡椒粉腌10分钟), 香菇3朵(泡软,切丁,泡香菇水留着), 胡萝卜丝, 蒜碎,清水适量,橄榄油1茶匙。

{调味料} 酱油1汤匙,蚝油1汤匙,胡椒粉,盐和糖适量。


1. 把洗净的白米,橄榄油和适量的清水放入电饭锅先煮成个人喜好绵密的粥。

2. 饭锅煮着粥的同时,起油锅爆香蒜碎,加入香菇丁,肉碎和萝卜丝炒一下至肉变色后,加入高丽菜,香菇水和调味料翻炒均匀即可。

3. 把炒好的才加入煮着的粥当中,搅拌均匀直到饭锅把粥煮熟,趁热享用。(可以放炸好银鱼仔增加咸味!)

Tasty Pork Congee with Cabbage, Shiitake Mushroom and Carrots

{Ingredients} White rice x 1 cup (washed), cabbage (wash and shredded), minced pork (marinate with some soy sauce and pepper for 10 mins), mushroom x 3 (soaked, diced, water that soaked mushroom keep for later used), shredded carrots, chopped garlic, water in right amount, olive oil x 1 tsp.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tbsp, oyster sauce x 1 tbsp, some pepper, salt and sugar.


1. Put washed white rice; olive oil and water in rice cooker to start cook the porridge.

2. While rice cooker cooking the porridge, heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic, add in mushroom, minced pork and carrots to stir-fry till pork change color, add in cabbage, soaked mushroom water and seasonings to continue stir-frying till well combined.

3. Add in cooked cabbage into the rice cooker, mix well and let the rice cooker cook the porridge till done, serve hot. (Personal preference, can add in some deep fried dried fish to enhance your taste!)

Previous: 排骨焖饭 Spare Ribs Rice

Friday, January 13, 2017

排骨焖饭 Spare Ribs Rice

排骨焖饭 Spare Ribs Rice

Simple and easy steps for spare ribs rice.


{材料} 白米两杯(洗净备用),清水适量(加入黑酱油,酱油1茶匙和胡椒粉少许搅拌均匀), 排骨(泡清水半小时,沥干备用), 香菇3朵(泡软切丁状),泡香菇水, 姜碎一点,蒜碎和小红葱碎适量。

{调味料} 花雕酒1茶匙, 酱油1汤匙, 蚝油1汤匙,糖和盐适量。


1. 起油锅爆香蒜葱姜碎, 加入排骨小火两面煎至微黄后下调味料, 泡香菇水和香菇丁炒均匀。

2. 然后,把白米,炒好的排骨和搅拌均匀的清水放入饭锅中,按下煮饭键煮熟即可趁热享用。

Spare Ribs Rice

{Ingredients} White rice x 2 cups (washed and drain well), water (mix with black soy sauce, soy sauce x 1 tsp and some pepper), pork ribs (soaked in water for 30 mins and drain well), mushrooms x 3 (soaked till tender, diced), soaked mushroom water, a little pinch of chopped ginger, some chopped garlics and shallots.

{Seasonings} Shaoxing wine x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 1tbsp, , oyster sauce x 1 tbsp, some sugar and salt.


1. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic, shallot and ginger till fragrant, add in pork ribs to fry till both sides bit yellowish, follow by add in seasonings, soaked mushroom water and diced mushroom to stir-fry till well combined.

2. Then, add in white rice, pork ribs and well-mixed water into rice cooker, press down the cook button to cook, serve hot once done cooked.

Previous:冰糖红枣枸杞炖雪梨 Pear with Red Dates Gojiberries and Rock Sugar Sweet Soup

Friday, January 6, 2017

黄金米饭饼 Golden Rice Pancake

黄金米饭饼 Golden Rice Pancake
Ingredients for the rice pancake...
Angel loves Kitty, so i usually will make some cute shapes for her if free.
Else the golden rice pancake will just look "plain" like this, hehe!
Yummy and simple Golden Rice Pancake for little one.





1. 除了橄榄油,全部材料充分搅拌均匀备用。
2. 起油锅,把1-2汤匙面糊放入锅内双面煎成金黄色即可。


Overnight white rice 3 tbsp, chopped green bell pepper, chopped carrots, chopped egg tofu, egg x1, flour x 1 tbsp, corn flour x 1 tbsp, olive oil in right amount.


1. Mix all ingredients except olive oil till well-combined.
2. Heat up olive oil in frying pan, add in 1-2 tbsp of the mixture to fry till both sides change to golden yellow colour, serve hot.

Previous:水煮蛋肉碎Pasta Hard Boiled Egg Pork Pasta

Sunday, January 1, 2017

冰糖红枣枸杞炖雪梨 Pear with Red Dates Gojiberries and Rock Sugar Sweet Soup

冰糖红枣枸杞炖雪梨 Pear with Red Dates Gojiberries and Rock Sugar Sweet Soup



{材料} 雪梨一个(去皮去核,切块状),红枣5粒(去核,切块状),枸杞适量(洗净备用),清水适量。

{调味料} 冰糖适量。


1. 取一深锅注入适量的水煮沸,加入雪梨块(如果要放白木耳就先加入它,慢火煮上30分钟左右才加雪梨)和红枣煮30分钟。

2. 然后,加入枸杞煮10分钟左右。

3. 最后加入冰糖再煮5-10分钟即可。

Pear with Red Dates Gojiberries and Rock Sugar Sweet Soup

{Ingredients} Pear x 1 (Peel of skin, remove seed and diced), red dates x 5 (remove seed, diced), some goji berries (washed and set aside), water in right amount.

{Seasonings} Some rock sugar.


1. Use 1 deep pots, fill with right amount of water and bring to boil, add in diced pears (If want to add in done soaked overnight snow fungus, please add first to cook for 30 mins only add in pears), and red dates to cook for 30 mins.

2. Then, add in goji berries to cook for 10 mins.

3. Lastly season with some rock sugar and cook for 5-10 mins, serve hot.

Previous:秋葵木耳腐竹炒鸡肉 Okra, Black Fungus, Bean curd Skin Chicken

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