Sunday, March 12, 2017

芹菜三蔬天使意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Celery Tri Veggies

芹菜三蔬天使意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Celery Tri Veggies


{材料} 天使意面 , 芹菜叶和茎(洗净,切小段状),香菇丝,泡香菇水,甜椒丁,萝卜丝, 鸡肉碎(用一点麻油,胡椒粉和酱油腌制5分钟),蒜碎,洋葱碎。

{调味料} 盐1茶匙,混合香料1茶匙, 糖和黑胡椒粉适量。


1. 取一深锅,注入适量的水,少许盐与橄榄油煮开后, 放入面条煮大约7分钟, 捞起过冷水拌入一点橄榄油备用。

2. 再起一锅加了点橄榄油和盐的沸水, 将芹菜叶和茎放入煮2分钟左右捞起沥干备用。

3. 起一大匙橄榄油锅, 放入一点蒜和洋葱碎炒香, 然后加入香菇丝,甜椒丁,萝卜丝和鸡肉碎炒至鸡肉变色放入煮熟的芹菜叶和茎拌炒均匀即可取出备用。(重口味可以炒配料时加些许盐提味。)

4. 热一大匙牛油和1大匙橄榄油锅, 放入剩下的蒜与洋葱碎炒香, 加入面条,泡香菇水与调味料翻炒均匀后,做法3的配料拌一拌即可. (怕太干可以加入1-2汤匙煮面水拌炒。

Angel Hair Pasta with Celery Tri Veggies

{Ingredients} Angel hair pasta, celery (washed, cut into mini bite-sized sectioned), shredded mushroom, soaked mushroom water, diced bell pepper, shredded carrot, minced chicken (marinate with some sesame oil, pepper and soy sauce for 5 mins), chopped garlic and onion.

{Seasonings} Salt x 1 tsp, Italian mixed herbs x 1 tsp, some sugar and black pepper.


1. Bring some water with salt and olive oil to a boil; add pasta to boiling water to cook for 7 mins, remove and drain with cold water and toss with some olive oil, set aside.

2. Bring another round of new boiling water with salt and olive oil to cook celery for about 2 mins, drain well and set aside.

3. Heat up pan with some olive oil to sauté some chopped garlic and onion till fragrant, add in mushroom, bell pepper, carrot and minced chicken to stirring till chicken change color, follow by add in cooked celery and continue to stir till well mixed. (If prefer, can add in pinch of salt for better taste.)

4. Heat up 1 tbsp of butter and olive oil to sauté balance chopped garlic and onion, add in pasta, soaked mushroom water and seasonings to stir0fry for a while, then add in method 3 ingredients to mix them well and serve hot. (If too dry, can add in 1-2 tbsp of cooked pasta water.)

Previous: 烧肉四季豆炒蛋 Fried Egg with Roasted Pork and French Bean

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