Wednesday, March 15, 2017

洋葱香菇鸡肉碎天使意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Onion, Mushroon and MincedChicken

洋葱香菇鸡肉碎天使意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Onion, Mushroon and MincedChicken
Simply delicious solid food for little angel...

难得她逐渐接受回洋葱这味道,偶尔还会加点芹菜叶碎让她尝尝,毕竟经历着“terrible two”的她口味变幻莫测,继续加油!


洋葱丁,香菇丁,萝卜碎,甜椒丁, 芹菜叶碎一点(用加了点油和盐的沸水煮2分钟,沥干备用),鸡肉碎,香菇水1汤匙,煎荷包蛋碎,天使意面(用加了点橄榄油和盐的沸水煮5分钟左右,沥干剪成段状备用)


1. 起适量的橄榄油锅,将洋葱和香菇丁炒香, 加入一点的萝卜和甜椒丁拌炒一下。

2. 然后,加入鸡肉碎炒至变色后,加入香菇水和意面翻炒均匀。

3. 最后,加入煎荷包蛋碎和芹菜叶碎拌炒均匀即可。(可加或不加,有什么就煮什么咯。)


Diced onion, diced mushroom, chopped carrot, chopped bell pepper, minced celery (blanch over with boiling water that add with some olive oil and salt for about 2 mins, drain well and set aside), minced chicken, soaked mushroom water x 1 tbsp, chopped over hard egg, angel hair pasta (cook with boiling water that add with some olive oil and salt for 5 mins, drain well and cut into sectioned)


1. Heat up some olive oil to saute diced onion and mushroom till fragrant, add in pinch of diced carrot and bell pepper to stir-fry for a while.

2. Then, add in minced chicken and stir-fry till change colour only add in mushroom water and cooked angel hair pasta to stir-fry till well combined.

3. Lastly, add in chopped over hard egg and celery to mix well, serve hot.

Previous: 蛋豆腐香菇肉碎炒面条 Fried noodles with egg tofu, mushroom and minced pork

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