Sunday, January 28, 2018

西兰花蛋煎龟包 Broccoli Eggs Fried Mi Gu


西兰花蛋煎龟包 Broccoli Eggs Fried Mi Gu


{材料} 西兰花适量(洗净,用加了一点油和盐的沸水川烫1分钟左右,待凉后切碎备用),鸡蛋2粒(加2滴酱油打散备用), 龟包去皮切片状。


1. 把西兰花拌入鸡蛋液中拌均后,将一片龟包放入双面沾满了西兰花蛋液。

2. 然后,放入油锅,双面煎至金黄色即可。

Broccoli Eggs Fried Mi Gu

{Ingredients} Broccoli (Wash and blanch over boiling water that add with a drop of olive oil and pinch of salt for about an minute, chopped it well), eggs x 2 (beaten with 2 drops of soy sauce.), mi gu (sliced)


1. Put broccoli in the egg mixture and mixed them well, add in 1 slice of mi gu to ensure both side well coated of broccoli egg mixture.

2. Then, deep fry it in the pan till both sides turn to golden brown color.

Previous: 杏鲍菇双椒三文鱼炒饭 Fried Rice with Bell Pepper, King Oyster Mushroom and Salmon Fish

Saturday, January 13, 2018

蒸双色梳打饼蛋糕 Steamed Dual Colors Cream Crackers Cake

蒸双色梳打饼蛋糕 Steamed Dual Colors Cream Crackers Cake



{材料} 鸡蛋5粒,无盐奶油200克,红糖100克,梳打饼300克(搅拌成碎粉状), 可可粉20克。


1. 先将奶油和红糖打至松发。(手打或搅拌机打都行 )

2. 鸡蛋一粒一粒加入打均匀,加入梳打饼碎搅拌均匀。

3. 把面糊分成三份, 其中一份加入可可粉搅拌均匀备用。

4. 先把一份梳打饼面糊倒入模具中,蒸锅水煮开后,大火蒸10分钟。用叉戳几个洞,倒入做法3的可可面糊。

5. 中大火蒸10分钟后,用叉子戳几个洞,再倒入另一份梳打饼蛋糕糊用大火再蒸20-25分钟左右或至蛋糕完全熟透即可取出待凉。

Steamed Dual Colors Cream Crackers Cake

{Ingredients} Eggs x 5, unsalted butter 200g, brown sugar x 100, cream crackers x 300g (blend it into fine powder), cocoa powder 20g.


1. Beat melted butter and brown sugar till fluffy. (Use hand manually to whisk or mixer)

2. Put egg 1 by 1 into the mixing bowl and mix well before add in cream cracker’s powder and mix well.

3. Divide into 3portions, 1 of the portion add in cocoa powder and mix it well.

4. Pour 1 portion of cream cracker batter into a light grease baking mold, bring the water in steamer to boil only put in the baking mold to steam for 10 mins. Use fork to prick and slowly pour in the method 3 cocoa cake batters.

5. Steam for 10 mins over the medium high heat, prick again and pour in the last layer of cream crackers batter to steam for another 20-25 mins or till fully cooked. Remove and leave to cool.

Previous:金针菇炒蛋 Enoki Mushroom Fried Eggs

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