咖喱油豆腐秋葵茄子 Easy Mixed Vegetables Curry

咖喱油豆腐秋葵茄子 Easy Mixed Vegetables Curry


{材料} 素食咖喱即煮酱料1包,油豆腐适量(过水洗一洗,切半),茄子1条(洗净切段状,泡盐水),秋葵适量(洗净,切片),浓椰浆200毫升,清水400毫升,蒜碎和小红葱碎适量。

{调味料} 酱油1大匙


1. 将蒜和小红葱碎与即煮酱料用小火炒香,加入调味料,蔬菜和清水煮沸。

2. 然后,加入浓椰浆慢火煮20分钟或材料熟即可食用。

Easy Mixed Vegetables Curry

{Ingredients} Instant vegetarian curry sauce x 1 pack, bean curd croutons (washed and cut into half), eggplant x 1 (washed and cut into sections, soaked in salted water), okras (washed and sliced), thick coconut milk x 200 ml, water x 400 ml, chopped garlic and shallots.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tbsp


1. Stir-frying chopped garlic, shallots and instant vegetarian curry sauce under low heat until aromatic, add in seasoning, all vegetables and water, bring to boil.

2. Then, add in coconut milk and continue cook under low heat for 20 mins or until vegetables is cooked , serve hot.

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