Saturday, July 28, 2018

双色甜椒番茄蛋炒鸡肉 Bell Pepper Tomato Egg Stir-Fry Chicken

双色甜椒番茄蛋炒鸡肉 Bell Pepper Tomato Egg Stir-Fry Chicken



{材料} 红青色甜椒 (切块状),番茄半粒(去皮切丁状),鸡柳(切片,用黑酱油,酱油和米酒腌5分钟),鸡蛋两粒( 加少许盐, 胡椒粉和麻油打散),蒜碎,大葱丝少许

{调味料} 盐1/2茶匙,蚝油1茶匙,胡椒粉少许, 栗粉水适量。


1. 起油锅爆香蒜葱碎, 加入番茄和甜椒丁拌炒后,再加鸡柳片和调入盐,蚝油和胡椒粉炒均匀。

2. 然后, 倒入蛋汁炒至半熟时加栗粉水以大火快炒至熟一可。

Bell Pepper Tomato Egg Stir-Fry Chicken

{Ingredients} Red and green bell pepper (diced), tomato x ½ (peeled and cut into diced), chicken slices (marinate with some black soy sauce, soy sauce and rice wine for 5 mins), eggs x 2 (beaten in a bowl with some salt, pepper and sesame oil), some chopped garlic and shredded onions.

{Seasonings} Salt x ½ tsp, oyster sauce x ½ tsp, some pepper and corn flour solution.


1. Heat up oil in a pan to sauté chopped garlic and onions till fragrant, add in tomatoes and bell pepper to stir-fry a while only add in chicken slices and season with salt, oyster sauce and pepper to continue stir-fry till well mix.

2. Then, pour in the egg mixture and fry till barely set, add in corn flour solution, turn to high heat to continue stirring until cooked. Serve hot.

Previous: 双椒香菇肉蛋炒饭 Fried Rice with Dual Pepper, Mushroom And Meat

Friday, July 20, 2018

双椒香菇肉蛋炒饭 Fried Rice with Dual Pepper, Mushroom And Meat

双椒香菇肉蛋炒饭 Fried Rice with Egg, Meat, Bell Pepper and Mushroom 


{材料} 隔夜冷饭x 2 碗,,鸡蛋 x 2粒(加点麻油,酱油和胡椒粉打散炒熟备用),青红甜椒适量(洗净,切丁),箩卜薄片和肉片适量,,香菇x 2 朵(浸软, 切丝),蒜碎和大葱碎。

{调味料}酱油1汤匙,盐 1 小匙, 胡椒粉适量, 番茄酱1 大匙.


1. 锅中烧热1大汤匙油, 将肉片,香菇丝, 青,红甜椒丁与箩卜片放入快炒至均匀后盛起备用.

2. 油锅内热1大汤匙油, 爆香蒜碎和大葱碎后,加入冷饭和调味料炒匀后, 再加入之前炒熟的材料与蛋拌炒1-2分钟即可.

Fried Rice with Dual Pepper, Mushroom And Meat

{Ingredients} Overnight cooked rice x 2 bowls, eggs x 2 (beaten with some sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper), green red pepper in proper amount (clean and diced), carrot and meat in proper amount (slices), shiitake mushroom x 2 (soaked and shredded), some chopped garlic and onion.

{Seasonings} Soy salt x 1 tbsp, salt x 1 tsp, some pepper, tomato sauce x 1 tbsp.


1. Heat up 1 tbsp oil in wok, add in sliced meats, shredded mushroom, diced bell peppers and sliced carrots to stir fry until cooked. Remove and set aside.

2. Heat oil another tbsp of oil, to sauté chopped garlic and onions until fragrant; add in overnight cooked rice and seasonings to mix well, then add in previous cooked ingredients and eggs to continue stir fry for 1-2min. Transfer to serving plate.

Previous: 肉碎茄子盖饭 Eggplant Minced Meat Rice Bowl

Sunday, July 1, 2018

肉碎茄子盖饭 Eggplant Minced Meat Rice Bowl

肉碎茄子盖饭 Eggplant Minced Meat Rice Bowl


{材料} 茄子1(洗净切段状,撒些盐泡一会儿,沥干水分备用, 肉碎适量(用米酒,胡椒粉和一点盐腌10分钟), 蒜头碎(1粒), 小红葱碎(1粒), 青葱粒。

{调味料} 蒸鱼酱油2汤匙, 胡椒粉 一点, 糖 1茶匙, 豆瓣酱1/2 茶匙和麻油几滴。


1. 茄子先用蒸锅蒸8分钟左右。

2. 锅下油炒香蒜葱, 下肉碎炒和全部调味料炒至熟。

3. 倒入茄子拌炒均匀即可, 把炒好的肉碎茄子配上一碗白饭,趁热食用。

Eggplant Minced Meat Rice Bowl

{Ingredients} Eggplant x 1 (washed and cut into sectioned, sprinkle with some salt and drain it well later before cook), some minced porks (marinate with some rice wine, pepper and salt for 10 mins), chopped garlic x 1 tbsp, chopped shallot x 1 tsp, diced green onion.

{Seasonings} Steamed fish soy sauce x 2 tbsp, some pepper, sugar x 1 tsp, bean sauce ½ tsp and few drops of sesame oil.


1. Steam eggplants with steamer for about 8 mins.

2. Heat up some oil in pan to sauté chopped garlic, shallot and onion till fragrant, add in minced pork and seasonings to stir-fry till cooked.

3. Lastly, pour in eggplant to continue stir-frying till well mixed. Serve hot with rice.

Previous:杂蔬粉丝 Glass Noddle with Mixed Veggies

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