Friday, August 10, 2018

蛋煎三文鱼豆腐拌青菜 Stir-fried Eggs with Salmon Fillets,Tofu and Veggie

蛋煎三文鱼豆腐拌青菜 Stir-fried Eggs with Salmon Fillets,Tofu and Veggie


{材料} 鸡蛋x 2粒(加点Mommy J江鱼仔粉,有机苋菜粉,麻油和胡椒粉打散),豆腐半盒(切块状,泡沸水2分钟沥干备用),三文鱼片(用Mommy J有机香菇粉腌5分钟),蒜碎和水煮青菜适量。

{调味料} 无盐蔬菜高汤3汤匙和天然昆布粉适量,加点热水搅拌均匀备用.


1. 锅内烧热油, 先将三文鱼片和豆腐双面先略煎熟盛起备用。

2. 锅内的剩油将蒜碎炒香,将鸡蛋液倒入煎到半凝固时加入三文鱼和豆腐。

3. 最后,调入调味料和水煮青菜炒均匀即可.

Stir-fried Eggs with Salmon Fillets,Tofu and Veggie

{Ingredients} Egg x 2 (beaten with some MommyJ anchovy powder, organic amaranth powder, sesame oil and pepper), tofu x half box (cut into slices, soaked in hot water for 2 min and drain well), salmon fish fillets (marinate with MommyJ organic mushroom powder for 5 mins), some chopped garlic and cooked green veggies.

{Seasonings} Unsalted vegetable broth x 3 tbsp, some natural kombu, mix with some hot water to dissolve and set aside.


1. Heat up oil, light fry the salmon fish fillets and tofu slices till cooked and set aside.

2. Use back the oil in pan to sauté the chopped garlic till fragrant, pour in egg mixture to fry until half set, add in cooked salmon fish fillet and tofu.

3. Lastly, add in seasonings and cooked green vegges to continue stirring and tossing to mix well. Transfer to serving plate.

Previous: 青椒小鱼干炒蛋 Fried Eggs with Bell Pepper and Whitebait

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