Saturday, August 18, 2018

双菇蛋炒饭 Egg and Mushrooms Fried Rice

双菇蛋炒饭 Egg and Mushrooms Fried Rice 
双菇蛋炒饭 Egg and Mushrooms Fried Rice 


{材料} 隔夜白饭3碗,鸡蛋3粒(加点酱油,麻油和胡椒粉打散备用),香菇丝, 平菇丝,猪肉片(加点米酒和酱油腌5分钟),胡萝卜丝,蒜碎,洋葱碎和青葱丁适量。

{调味料} 黑酱油1茶匙,酱油1 ½ 大匙,蚝油½ 大匙,盐和黑胡椒粉少许,Mommy J优质带子粉和有机香菇粉各1/2 茶匙加2汤匙温热水搅拌均匀。


1. 起油锅把鸡蛋液炒熟备用.

2. 再热2大匙油锅爆香蒜与洋葱碎, 加入其它材料拌炒大约3-5分钟. (除了白饭和青葱丁.)

3. 然后调入调味料拌炒均匀后, 放入白饭大火拌炒一分钟, 最后再加入鸡蛋碎和青葱丁翻炒均匀即可.

Egg and Mushrooms Fried Rice

{Ingredients} Overnight white rice x 3 bowls, eggs x 3 (beaten with some saoy sauce, sesame oil and pepper), shredded shiitake mushroom, shredded oyster mushroom, pork slices (marinate with some rice wine and soy sauce for 5 mins), some shredded carrots, chopped garlic, chopped onion and diced green onion.

{Seasonings} Black soy sauce x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 1 ½ tbsp, oyster sauce x ½ tbsp, some salt and black pepper, MommyJ premium scallop and organic mushroom food powder x ½ tsp each; dissolve in 2 tbsp warm water and set aside.


1. Heat up pan to fry egg mixture cooked, take it out and set aside.

2. Heat up another 2 tbsp of oil to sautee chopped garlic and onion until fragrant, add in others ingredient to stir-fry for around 3-5 mins. (Except white rice and green onion.)

3. Then, follow by add in seasonings, add in white rice to continue stir-fry for 1 min, lastly add in egg and green onion to continue stir-fry until well combined mix and serve hot.

Previous: 蛋煎三文鱼豆腐拌青菜 Stir-fried Eggs with Salmon Fillets,Tofu and Veggie

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