紫薯山药金针菇粥 Congee with purple sweet potato, chinese yam, and enoki mushroom

紫薯山药金针菇粥 Congee with purple sweet potato, chinese yam, and enoki mushroom


{材料}紫薯1粒(洗净去皮切块状,泡清水10分钟左右沥干备用),山药半根(洗净去皮切块状), 金针菇1包(洗净,切小段状),白米1杯。



1. 将白米洗净后,加入全部材料和调味料。

2. 按下高压锅煮粥功能,25分钟左右粥就煮好啦。

Congee with purple sweet potatoes,chinese yam, and enoki mushroom

{Ingredients} Purple sweet potato x 1 (washed, peeled and sectioned, soaked in water for 10 mins, drain well and set aside), chinese yam x ½ stick (washed, peeled and sectioned), enoki mushroom x 1 pack (washed, cut into sectioned), white rice x 1 cup.

{Seasonings} Sesame oil x 1 tsp, water x 7 cups (According to person’s preferences towards cooked congee condition.)


1. Rinse rice, add in all the ingredients and seasonings.

2. Then, pressure cook for about 25 mins. Stir and serve hot.

Previous: 秋葵双菇番茄炒意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Okra, Mushroom and Tomato


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