四季豆杏鲍菇炒蛋 French Bean and King Oyster Mushrooms Omelette |
3种简易材料, 就一菜肴。 |
{材料} 杏鲍菇(洗净切碎), 四季豆(洗净,切丁在加了点盐和几滴橄榄油的沸水中川烫1分钟左右,捞起沥干备用), 鸡蛋4粒(加点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),小红葱碎。
{调味料} 酱油1 茶匙,无盐蔬菜高汤2汤匙,调成综合酱汁备用。
1. 起油锅将小红葱碎爆香,加入杏鲍菇和四季豆丁拌炒一下,加入综合酱汁拌炒2-3分钟。
2. 然后倒入鸡蛋液,煎至双面金黄色即可。
French Bean and King Oyster Mushrooms Omelette
{Ingredients} Some king oyster mushroom Iwashed and chopped), French bean (washed and diced, blanch over boiling water that add with a pinch of salt and few drops olive oil for about 1 mins, drain and set aside.), eggs x 4 (beaten with some soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), chopped shallots.
{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tsp, unsalted vegetables broth x 2 tbsp, mix till well-combined.
1. Heat up oil to saute chopped shallots, add in diced baby king oyster mushroom and French bean to stir-fry a while, follow by pour in the seasonings to continue stir-frying till mix well for approximately 2-3 mins.
2. Then pour in the egg mixture, fry till both sides turn to golden yellow, serve hot.
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