Saturday, February 15, 2020

零面粉地瓜杯子蛋糕 Flourless Sweet Potato Cupcake

零面粉地瓜杯子蛋糕 Flourless Sweet Potato Cupcake 
天使们很爱很爱很爱这类的“甜品”, 也许不常做显得特别有滋味。她们口中满满的期待和称赞👍,就是这种动力把我推到了累极了的边缘也心甘情愿的亲力亲为,大家一起努力只为了做出家庭味💯的幸福下午茶。




1. 地瓜去皮切块状蒸熟待凉后与其它材料用搅拌机打成糊状。

2. 然后倒入纸杯,撒上葱花黑芝麻。

3. 预热烤箱180°C, 烤30分钟左右待凉后就可享用啦。(烤箱温度得自行拿捏哦!)

Flourless Sweet Potato Cupcake

{Ingredients} Steamed sweet potatoes puree x 250g, unsalted butter x 30g, honey x 1 tbsp, egg yolk x 1, some black sesame.


1. Peel sweet potatoes and cut into pieces, steamed until cooked. Let it cool a bit before blend with other remaining ingredients by using the blender.

2. Then, pour the batter to cupcake cup and sprinkle up some black sesame.

3. Preheat oven 180°C, baked for about 30mins. (Oven temperature adjust accordingly.)
***If allergy to honey, just avoid it as sweet potato itself is sweet enough!

Previous:德国酥饼 German Cookies

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