Thursday, January 23, 2020

德国酥饼 German Cookies

德国酥饼 German Cookies
绿茶德国酥饼 Matcha German Cookies
原味德国酥饼 Original German Cookies

{材料}无盐牛油250克 , 糖粉70克,马铃薯粉250克,特幼面粉150克,奶粉2汤匙。


1. 将牛油和糖粉用搅拌器打发成乳白色后,加入其它材料搅拌均匀即可。

2. 每粒8克,搓圆形后用叉子或其它造型器压扁。(饼干面团先放入冰箱冷藏20-30分钟更好做造型。)

3. 预热烤箱150°C, 烤15-20分钟左右。(烤箱温度得自行拿捏哦!)烤好待凉后(15分钟左右)马上装入密封罐里保鲜,保酥和保脆。


German Cookies

{Ingredients} Unsalted butter x 250g, icing sugar x 70g, potato starch x 250g, superfine flour x 150g, milk powder x 2 tbsp.


1. Mix butter and icing sugar in mixer bowl till fluffy, follow by add in other remaining ingredients to continue mix them well.

2. Each x 8g, shape dough into ball shape and shaped it with fork or other cookies cutter or shaper, line in baking tray that with cookies sheet, spacing them with comfort distance. (Chill dough for 20-30 mins before shaping.)

3. Preheat oven 150°C, baked for 15-20 mins. (Oven temperature adjust accordingly.) Let the cookies cool completely before stored in air-tight container.

***Add in 1-2 tbsp of match powder /lemon juices to make it matcha/lemon flavour---according to personal preferences.
成品没预期中“完美”,但是有着满满team work的甜滋滋在口中散发出来!
天使们经常把身为父母的我们搞得哭笑不得或精疲力尽等,可是她们一笑却解了任何烦忧而忘了之前所有的“有苦难言”症状,哈哈哈!育儿之路没有绝对的一条路,愿男女人们在这路上有”鼠“不尽的欢乐!Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Previous:奶油芝士饼干 Cream Cheese Cookies

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