Friday, April 3, 2020

番薯馅包子 Steamed Sweet Potato Bun

番薯馅包子 Steamed Sweet Potato Bun
包子,妈咪又要做包子啦...我们可以玩"真正"的play-doh啦...OH MY GOD😨🤦🏻‍♀️,自从容许她们加入后,每次不管是任何烘焙活动在她们醒着的期间,她们都会瞄准我的面团或任何能够玩的都自行拿来玩,没被她们闹烦时大多还能按住脾气不发火一起完成“任务”,呵呵!


{材料} 面粉400克,熟番薯泥200克(用搅拌机打成泥状),干酵母5克,糖20克,油(玉米油或其它植物)10克,水200克左右。



1. 番薯馅料先炒至水份稍微收干即可,待凉备用。

2. 全部材料混合均匀揉至光滑面团(用搅拌机大约15分钟。)

3. 盖上湿布让面团发酵至两倍大(大约50-60分钟左右。),按下去不会回弹即是发酵好了。

4. 将发酵好了的面团搓成长条状,分成合适的份量,休面十分钟左右再搓成小圆团,包入番薯馅料,封口朝下放入已经铺上一层防油纸的蒸锅中。

5. 然后,蒸锅蒸12分钟左右即可。趁热享用或待凉后速冻,速冻请在1-2个月内吃完最好。

Steamed Sweet Potato Bun

{Ingredients} Flour x 400g, sweet potato puree x 200g (use blender to puree steamed sweet potato), instant yeast x 5g, sugar x 20g, oil (corn oil or other vegetable’s oil) x 10g, water x 200g.

{Filling Ingredients} Steamed sweet potato puree x 200-250g(press the steamed diced sweet potato till desired smooth texture.), unsalted butter x 25-30g.


1. Prepare the filling 1st by stir-fry the sweet potato puree with unsalted butter till slightly thickening, set aside.

2. Mix all ingredients well in a mixing bowl, knead the dough until it able to form a smooth ball shape.(About 15 mins).

3. Cover with a wet cloth and let it be prove until double the size. (take about 50-60mins.)

4. Divide, flatten, roll out the dough, put the filling in the centre, and ready to shape according to personal preference.

5. Place the shaped dough on the steamer that layer with greaseproof paper to steam for about 12 mins. Serve hot or let it be cool and frozen it asap to keep for consume within 1-2 month.
***Frozen bun do not need to thaw, only need to re-steam for 10 mins when want to consume!)

Previous: 爱心牛油饼干 Heart Shape Butter Cookies

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