Saturday, June 26, 2021

自制外酥里嫩的炸鸡块 Homemade Crispy Chicken Nuggets

 0失败‼️自制亲子外酥里嫩的炸鸡块,炸好后C&J说很像麦当劳的耶😊一次过可以做多一些,整理成条状后速冻保存起来,要吃时才拿出室温退温10分钟,切片调好面糊,炸一炸就能吃到啦😋Simply Juicy Delicious😋Homemade Crispy Chicken Nuggets, double the recipe to enjoy now and later! Having Homemade Nuggets Whenever You Get The Craving❗️ 


{鸡肉馅料} 去皮无骨鸡胸肉450克(切小块状),熟马铃薯块100克,蒜米3汤匙,姜碎½茶匙,葱白3-5根(切块状),鸡蛋一粒,五香粉½茶匙,胡椒粉1茶匙,盐1茶匙,玉米淀粉2汤匙,蚝油1汤匙。 


1. 鸡肉块+熟马铃薯块+葱白、蒜米和姜碎搅成泥状, 加入鸡蛋、五香粉、胡椒粉、盐和玉米淀粉搅拌匀后,调入蚝油再次搅拌均匀。 
2. 放入保鲜膜中,整成长条状放入冰箱冷冻2-3小时(不马上炸来吃的就继续冷冻保存2-3个月)。 
3. 面糊预先调好,冷冻好的鸡肉取出,切成大小适中的厚块,裹上面糊。 
4. 锅中倒入适量橄榄油加热,放入鸡肉块中小火慢炸至双面金黄色,捞出控油。 
5. 搭配番茄/辣椒酱或其它你喜欢的酱,趁温热享用。 

Homemade Chicken Nuggets 

{Chicken filling Ingredients} Boneless skinless chicken breast 450g (cut into small pieces), steamed potato pieces 100g, chopped garlic 3 tbsp, chopped ginger ½ tsp, diced bottom of green onions 3-5 pieces, egg x 1, five spice powder ½ tsp, pepper 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp, corn starch 2 tbsp, oyster sauce 1 tbsp. 

{Batter Ingredients} All purpose flour 2 tbsp, cook’s frying powder 2 tbsp, corn starch 2 tbsp, water 100 ml, egg yolk x 1, black pepper 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp. 
***Can replace cook’s frying powder with all purpose flour. 

1. Blend bite sized chicken pieces + steamed potatoes + onions, garlic & ginger until smooth texture, add in egg, five spice powder, pepper, salt and corn starch to mix well, follow by season in oyster sauce and mix until well combined. 
2. Transfer to plastic wrap, roll into long strips and keep frozen for 2-3 hours (can keep up to 2-3 months if not eat now). 
3. Prepare the batter, take out the solid chicken meat from frozen to room temperature to rest for 10 mins before cutting into pieces, coat each piece with batter evenly. 
4. Fry the chicken nuggets in hot olive oil until golden brown, remove and drain on kitchen towel. 
5. Enjoying your nuggets while warm hot with favorite sauces.

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