Friday, September 10, 2021

腐皮干贝粥 Dried Bean Curd Sheets➕Scallops Congee

简单易熬的营养【粥】到👉🏻腐皮➕干贝,口感鲜美、营养好喝。清爽绵滑的一锅熟粥,材料准备好,一键就搞定啦。Congee also called rice porridge, is the ultimate comfort food. Don’t Have Time to Cook…fit this amazing life-giving congee into your super busy schedule. It’s saving you plenty of time.

{粥材料} 腐皮2片(泡软剪成小片),干贝3 汤匙(洗净沥干),白米½杯,小米1杯,胡萝卜块(洗净去皮,切块状),高丽菜丝和枸杞适量,蒜姜碎适量。 

{粥调味料} 鲍鱼汁1汤匙,清水12杯,橄榄油1茶匙,盐1茶匙和胡椒粉适量。 

***午餐肉切片,烤盘铺上烘焙纸,放上切好的午餐肉,预热烤箱210°C, 双面各烤8分钟左右。 


1. 先把白米和小米洗净,加入橄榄油和盐搅拌均匀,加入腐皮片、干贝、高丽菜丝、萝卜块,调入鲍鱼汁和胡椒粉,倒入清水,拌均即后就可以按下高压锅煮粥键开煮。 

2. 起1大匙油锅,加入蒜姜碎炒至上色后熄火,待粥煮熟后倒入提香。 

3. 粥煮好后,倒入枸杞和蒜姜碎拌一拌,焖2-3分钟即可趁温热享用咯。 

Dried Bean Curd Sheets ➕Scallops Congee 

{Porridge Ingredients} Dried bean curd sheet 2 pieces (soak till soft, slices), dried scallops 3 tbsp(washed),white rice ½ cup, millet 1 cup, some carrots pieces (washed, peeled and cut into pieces), some shredded cabbage and goji berries, chopped garlic and ginger. 

{Porridge Seasonings} Abalone sauce 1 tbsp, water 12 cups, olive oil 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp and some pepper to taste. 

Side dishes: 
***Eggs x 3 (beaten with soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), some chopped shallots👉🏻Heat up oil to sauté chopped shallots till fragrant, fry the egg mixture till cooked and set aside. 
***Luncheon meat(slices): put on baking paper over baking pan, pre-heated oven 210°C, bake for 8mins each side. 


1. Rinse white rice and millet well, add in olive oil and salt, add in bean curd sheet, scallops , cabbage and carrots, season in abalone sauce and pepper, pressure cook. 

2. Heat up 1 tbsp of oil to saute chopped garlic and gingers till change color, off the heat, only add on to porridge that cooked. 

3. Add in goji berries after porridge done cooked, stir well to ensure lightly simmer for 2-3 mins, ready to serve with side dishes. 

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