Friday, April 23, 2021

汤汁佛手瓜拌蛋 Buddha's Hand Gourd (Chayote) with Fried Eggs



【亲子家庭味】 要汤汁多多的佛手瓜拌炒鸡蛋...J的“经典”炒鸡蛋经她坚持变成非常百搭呢!爽口的感觉对J来说硬硬的😆,我家天使要汤多多的自创版本来配面线吃。J点醒【婆妈】一个道理,怎样煮都OK的啦😅或许煮法绝对可以不分对错,只要home cooked还是比较健康一些些的😂 


{材料} 佛手瓜1个(洗净去皮,切丝泡盐水30钟沥干备用,J要汤汁多多就只泡5分钟而已),萝卜丝,鸡肉碎适量(加点胡椒粉和酱油腌一下),鸡蛋2粒(加一点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),蒜碎,姜碎和小红葱碎适量。 


1. 起油锅爆香小红葱碎,先把鸡蛋炒熟备用。 
2. 再起油锅爆香蒜姜葱碎后,加入鸡肉碎拌炒一下,接着加入佛手瓜和萝卜丝,调入盐和综合酱汁翻拌均匀后,盖好焖煮大约3-5分钟左右。 
3. 然后,调入玉米淀粉水翻炒至汤汁再次煮沸即可。 
4. 再把炒熟鸡蛋加入拌炒均匀就OK了。 

 Buddha's Hand Gourd (Chayote) with Fried Eggs 

{Ingredients} Buddha hand gourd 1 piece(Clean and peeled, shredded and soak in salt water for 30 mins only drain well set aside , for soup base outcome soak 5 mins enough), some shredded carrots, some minced chicken (marinate with little soy sauce and pepper), eggs x 2 (beaten with soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), some chopped garlic , ginger and shallots. 

{Seasonings} Soy sauce 1 tsp, oyster sauce 1 tbsp, some pepper and water/broth (water/broth is optional); mix well, corn flour solutions 1 tbsp. 

1. Heat up oil to sauté chopped shallots till fragrant, fry the egg mixture till cooked and set aside. 
2. Heat up another round of oil to saute chopped garlic, ginger and shallot till fragrant, add in minced chicken to stir-fry a while, follow by add in buddha’s hand gourd and carrots, season in a pinch of salt and water/broth to continue stir-frying, cover up and simmer cook for 3-5mins. 
3. Then, add in corn flour solutions and continue stir-frying until the sauce is boiling again. 
4. Adding in cooked eggs to stir until well combined, ready to serve. 

 Previous: 鱼片南瓜双米粥 Steam Fish Millet Porridge with Pumpkin

Friday, April 16, 2021

鱼片南瓜双米粥 Steam Fish Millet Porridge with Pumpkin

且煮且珍惜,出于好奇、好玩或自愿的亲子互动总会有过去的一天吧。Cooking is at once child’s play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love. — Craig Claiborne



{鱼片腌料} 酸梅酱1 汤匙,绍兴酒1汤匙, 胡椒粉和盐适量,玉米淀粉1茶匙,拌均匀腌至少30分钟。 


{粥材料} 白米½杯,小米½杯,南瓜块(洗净去皮,切块状),萝卜丝,枸杞适量。 

{粥调味料} 鲍鱼汁1茶匙,清水10杯,橄榄油1茶匙,盐适量。 



1. 鱼片切好后用腌料腌制至少30分钟左右。 

2. 先把白米和小米洗净,加入橄榄油,南瓜块和萝卜丝, 倒入清水,加入鲍鱼汁和盐拌均即后就可以按下高压锅煮粥键开煮。枸杞子在粥煮好了才加入拌均匀焖一焖即可。 

3. 腌好的鱼片,水沸后中大火蒸8分钟左右。 

4. 起3大匙油锅,加入蒜姜碎炒至变色后熄火,加入酱油搅拌均匀后倒入蒸好的鱼片上,撒上适量的香菜碎后再加入煮好的粥上即可趁温热享用。 

5. 想加一道简易小菜-炒鸡蛋也OK…起油锅爆香小红葱和青葱碎,先把鸡蛋炒熟备用。 

6. 再把炒熟鸡蛋铺上就OK了。 

Steam Fish Millet Porridge with Pumpkin 

{Fish Ingredients} Some fish slices , some cilantro (wash and chopped, soaking in hot water that add with some salt and olive oil for 5 mins, drain well), some chopped garlic and gingers. 

{Fish Marinades} Plum sauce 1 tbsp, Shaoxing wine 1 tbsp, some pepper and salt, corn starch 1 tsp, mix well. 

{Steam fish Seasonings} Soy sauce 1 tsp. 

{Porridge Ingredients} White rice ½ cup, millet ½cup, some pumpkin pieces (washed, peeled and cut into pieces), some shredded carrots and goji berries. 

{Porridge Seasonings} Abalone sauce 1 tsp, water 10 cups, olive oil 1 tsp, some salt to taste. 

***Eggs x 3 (beaten with soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), some chopped shallots and diced green onions. 


1. Marinate fish slices with the marinade seasonings for at least 30 mins. 

2. Rinse white rice and millet well, add in olive oil, pumpkin pieces and carrots, pour in water, season in abalone sauce and salt, pressure cook, goji berries add in after done cooked, stir well to ensure lightly simmer for a while. 

3. Steam the fish slices that done marinated for about 8 mins under medium-high heat. 

4. Heat up 3 tbsp of oil to saute chopped garlic and gingers till change color, off the heat and season in soy sauce before pour on top of steamed fish slices. Sprinkle with some chopped cilantro only add on to porridge that ready to serve. 

5. (Optional) Heat up oil to sauté chopped shallots and green onions till fragrant, fry the egg mixture till cooked and set aside. 

6. Topping with cooked eggs, ready to eat. 

Saturday, April 10, 2021

山药腐竹小鸡腿杂蔬焖饭 One Pot Chicken Drumettes Veggies Rice (Rice Cooker)




{调味料} 煮两杯米的水,香菇水/清水/高汤100毫升,酱油 2 大匙, 黑酱油½大匙, 蚝油1大匙, 鱼露1茶匙,麻油1茶匙, 盐1茶匙, 红糖1茶匙, 胡椒粉½茶匙,混合均匀。 

1. 白菜花和胡萝卜分别先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫1分钟左右,捞起沥干过冷水备用。青江菜也是预先川烫好备用。 

2. 烧热油, 爆香蒜葱与姜碎, 加入香菇丁炒香, 接着加入小鸡腿,山药,腐竹,白菜花和萝卜,接着倒入煮饭用的调味料和适量的清水盖过全部材料,以大火略炒均煮沸后, 倒入装着洗净白米的锅中,再加入剩下的煮两杯米水。使用煮饭的设定煮熟。 

3. 接着,起油锅爆香小红葱碎后倒入一半的鸡蛋液炒熟备用(另一半在饭要煮熟的10分钟前加入)。 

4. 饭煮好前的5分钟,翻拌快速均匀,煮熟趁热享用。 

5. 川烫好的青菜丝和炒熟的鸡蛋充当配料点缀完成品的视觉效果☺️。

***如果喜欢, 可以依个人口味加入炸脆的咸鱼片,银鱼仔或撒上葱粒拌均后享用。 

One Pot Chicken Drumettes Veggies Rice 

{Ingredients} Some chinese yam, some dried fuchok sheets (soak till tender), chicken drumettes 4 pieces (marinate with soy sauce 1 tsp, black soy sauce ½ tsp, Shaoxing wine ½ tsp, sesame oil 1 tsp and some pepper for 5 mins) ,shiitake mushrooms x 3 pieces (soak till tender, diced), rice 2 cups (washed and drain well, add in 1tbsp of olive oil to mix well and set aside), some cauliflowers, some carrots pieces, egg x 3(beaten with some sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper), some shredded green veggies, chopped garlic 1 tbsp, chopped shallots 1 tsp, chopped ginger 1 tsp.

{Seasonings} Water to cook 2 cups of rice, mushrooms water/water/broth x 100 ml, soy sauce 2 tbsp, black soy sauce ½ tbsp, oyster sauce 1 tbsp, fish sauce 1 tsp, sesame oil 1 tsp, salt x 1 tsp, brown sugar x 1 tsp, pepper x ½ tsp, mix all well.


1. Blanch over the cauliflowers and carrots with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 1 min, drain well, soak in cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. Shredded green veggies repeated same step too. 

2. Heat up oil to saute chopped garlic, shallot, and ginger, add in mushrooms to fry till fragrant, add in drumettes, chinese yam, fuchok, cauliflowers and carrots, follow by add in seasonings and some water that use to cook rice to cover up all ingredients, stir fry under high heat until mix well and bring to boil, pour into rice cooker with white rice, follow by pour in balance of water that use to cook 2 cups of rice, press start cook button to cook. 

3. Then, heat up oil to fry the half of the egg mixture till cooked and set aside (half will pour in rice cooker in last 10 mins before rice is cooked). 

4. Before rice is done cooked in 5 mins, stirring slowly to ensure egg is fully cooked. Serve hot. 

5. Cooked eggs and green veggies use as side dishes.

*** If you like, can add deep fried salted fish, anchovy or spring onions cubes according to personal taste to mix well and serve. 

Friday, April 2, 2021

番茄蛋花汤 Tomato Egg Drop Soup






 1. 青菜丝先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫1分钟左右,捞起沥干过冷水备用。 

 2. 起油锅爆香蒜碎后,加入番茄块和萝卜丝炒一下,加入鱼饼,调入盐和高汤炒均匀,加入适量清水煮沸。 

3. 然后,加入玉米淀粉水搅拌均匀后,接着加入鸡蛋液,等30秒后才搅拌一下,加入青菜丝再次煮沸即可。 


 Tomato Egg Drop Soup 

{Ingredients} Tomato x 2 (washed, blanching over hot water and peeled, cut into pieces),fish cake x 1 piece (sliced), some shredded carrots, some shredded veggies, egg x 2 (beaten with some sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper), chopped garlic. 

{Seasonings} Some broth, water and salt, corn flour solution (corn starch 1 tbsp + water 1 tbsp). 


1. Blanch over the shredded veggies with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 15 seconds, drain well, running through cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. 

2. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic till fragrant, add in tomatoes and carrots to stir-fry a while, add in fish cake , season in some salt and pour in broth to continue stir frying a while, add in right amount of water and bring to boil. 

3. Then, add in corn flour solutions, followed by pour in egg mixture, wait 30 seconds only stirring, add in veggies and bring to boil again, serve hot. 

 ***Strong taste may add 1 tsp of abalone sauce.

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