Friday, July 23, 2021

亲子味炒米粉 Kid Style Fried Vermicelli


材料简单但亲子味十足的家常“碎”炒米粉。虽然普普通通,却是她们非常重视的亲身体验。疫情期间,宅家最热门的亲子活动之一 👉🏻 C&J心血来潮联手搞定我们的其中一餐耶,得记录一下乱中勉强有序的点滴😅💪🏼😆 


{材料} 鸡蛋4粒(加一点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),米粉(川烫一分钟,沥干备用),高丽菜丝(洗净泡盐水15分钟,切丝备用),萝卜丝,鲍鱼菇丝适量,蒜碎和小红葱碎适量。 

{调味料}黑酱油1茶匙,酱油1汤匙,蚝油1茶匙,鱼露1茶匙,高汤 ½ 碗,芝麻油一茶匙,红糖 ½ 茶匙,盐和胡椒粉适量,混合搅拌均匀。 


1. 起油锅爆香小红葱碎,先把鸡蛋炒熟备用。 
2. 再起油锅爆香蒜碎和小红葱碎,加入鲍鱼菇丝和萝卜丝拌炒一下后,加入高丽菜丝炒均后倒入高汤和调味料炒均,盖好焖煮片刻。 
3. 然后,加入米粉翻炒均匀至水分收干,加入鸡蛋拌炒一下即可出锅。 

Kid Style Fried Vermicelli 

{Ingredients} Eggs 4pcs (beaten with some soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), vermicelli (blanch over hot boiling water for 1 min, drain well and set aside), shredded cabbage (soaked in salt water for 15 mins, shredded), carrots (shredded), shredded abalone mushroom, chopped garlic and shallots. 

{Seasonings} Black soy sauce x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 1 tbsp, oyster sauce x 1 tsp, fish sauce x 1 tsp, broth x ½ cup, sesame oil x 1 tsp, brown sugar x ½ tsp, some salt and pepper, mix well. 


1. Heat up oil to saute some chopped shallots, pour in egg mixture to stir-fry till cooked and set aside. 
2. Heat up another round of oil to saute garlics and shallots till fragrant, add in shredded mushroom and carrots to stir-fry a while, add in cabbage, follow by broth and seasonings to mix well, cover and simmer cook for a while. 
3. Then, add in vermicelli to continue stir-frying until drying up , add in cooked eggs and mix them well, and enjoys. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

桂花枸杞蝶豆花鸡蛋果冻燕菜 Butterfly Pea Flower Jelly with Osmanthus flower and Gojiberries



{材料} 蝶豆花水适量(干蝶豆花10朵),清水1000毫升,桂花 ½ 茶匙(热水泡5分钟),枸杞适量(洗净,切碎),幼糖70克,燕菜粉4 茶匙 + 即溶果冻粉1 茶匙(两者拌均匀),柠檬汁适量。  


1. 干蝶豆花加180毫升的水煮至颜色变深,沥干待凉备用 。 

2. 枸杞和桂花依序放入鸡蛋壳/其它模具里面。 

3. 1000毫升清水,加入幼糖+燕菜果冻粉搅拌均匀后开炉火煮至糖完全融化,过程中请不断搅拌均匀。  

4. 煮沸后熄火,取出1/3份量倒入鸡蛋壳和其它模具中-第一层:透明层;加热再取出1/3份量-第二层:加适量的蝶豆花水拌均匀倒入模具中; 加热再取出最后的份量-第三层:加入适量的蝶豆花水+几滴柠檬汁调成紫色倒入模具。 

5. 放入冰箱冷藏至少3小时以上即可脱模享用。  


Butterfly Pea Flower Jelly with Osmanthus flower and Gojiberries 

{Ingredients} Some butterfly pea flower water (dried butterfly pea flower 10pcs), water 1000ml, osmanthus flower ½ tsp (soak in hot water for 5 mins), some goji berries (rinse well, cut into small pieces), castor sugar 70g, agar powder x 4 tsp + jelly powder x 1 tsp (mix them well), some lemon juice. 


1. Cook dry butterfly pea flowers in 180ml water until the colour turn darkened. 

2. Put osmanthus flowers and goji berries inside the eggshell or any molds. 

3. Mix 1000 ml of water with sugar+agar powder and jelly powder well, then cook under medium heat until sugar fully dissolved, continue stirring.  

4. Bring to boil and off the heat, take 1/3 portion of the mixture to pour into eggshells or other molds-1st layer: transparent; reheating mixtures and take another 1/3 portion- 2nd layer: add in some butterfly pea flower water and mix well before pour into molds; reheat mixture again-3rd layer: add in some butterfly pea flower water + few drops of lemon juices to turn into purple color and mix well before pour into eggshells or other molds. 

5. Keep refrigerated for at least 3 hours or overnight before serve. 

***Before pour in next layer, please ensure surface is dry first for better dreamy colour.

Previous:波兰种淡奶油紫薯小餐包 Poolish Purple Sweet Potato Bun

Friday, July 9, 2021

波兰种淡奶油紫薯小餐包 Poolish Purple Sweet Potato Bun


淡奶油+波兰种酵头用来做面包真是双赢。可以消耗开了却用不完的淡奶油, 而且用波兰种不需要更改原食谱的任何配方,做出来的口感和风味又棒极了👏🌟Poolish starter(pre-fermented) is able to deliver more soft and better flavors that “straight” dough won’t be able to give you. 


{波兰种} 高筋面粉50克,干酵母1克,清水50毫升。 

{主面团材料} 高筋面粉 250克,熟紫薯泥50克(块状/泥状),干酵母3克,红糖20克,盐3克,无盐黄油15克(可以不放),淡奶油90毫升左右。 

{抹皮装饰} 融化牛油/牛奶/鸡蛋液适量,美乃滋/黑芝麻。 


1. 波兰种提前准备好,全部材料拌均后,盖上盖子室温发酵至少3小时后才能用或者室温发酵1小时后移去冰箱冷藏隔夜大约15小时左右再用。 
2. 将全部材料放入面包机内(除了黄油)混合均匀(大约5分钟左右),加入黄油揉至光滑面团和发酵至两倍大(大约50分钟左右)。 
3. 将发酵好了的面团在撒了些面粉的桌面擀平排气,分成合适的份量,休面十分钟左右再搓成小圆团或整形做成各种形状的面包。 
4. 放入烘盘上盖好做二次发酵(约40-50分钟),抹上融化牛油,挤上适量的美乃滋或撒些黑芝麻。 
5. 预热烤箱170°C, 烤25分钟左右。取出抹上融化牛油(可省略)。 

Poolish Purple Sweet Potato Bun 

{Poolish} Bread flour/high protein flour 50g, instant yeast 1g, water 50g. 

{Main Ingredients} Bread flour 250g, purple sweet potato puree 50g (pieces/puree),instant yeast 3g, brown sugar 20g, salt 3g, unsalted butter 15g(optional), whipping cream 90ml. 

{Glazing/garnishing} Melted unsalted butter/milk/egg mixture, mayonnaise/black sesame. 

***Can replace purple sweet potato with 1 egg or others fillings. 
***Can replace whipping cream with milk, palm sugar syrup or water. 


1. Prepare the poolish starter in advance, cover and set aside to let it fermented for at least 3 hours or 1 hour room temperature and then move to refrigerated for 15 hours only use. 
2. Mix all ingredients in a bread machine(except butter) till well combined, add in butter and let it knead until a smooth dough forms and well fermented (about 50 mins). 
3. Transfer dough onto a floured surface, flatten and roll into a cylinder, divide dough into equal portions, let it rest for 10 mins only shape to smooth ball shape or any desired shape (or add in the fillings) and sealed it well. 
4. Place each bun on parchment paper, cover and leave aside to prove till double in bulk (about 40-50mins),glaze with melted butter, squeezing some mayonnaise or sprinkle some black sesame on top as garnishing. 
5. Pre-heated oven 170°C, bake for 25mins. Remove from oven and brush again with melted butter (optional). 

Friday, July 2, 2021

亲子炸鸡块煎蛋小汉堡 Homemade Chicken Nuggets Burger with Egg


自制亲子炸鸡块+ 小餐包+煎蛋=亲子炸鸡块煎蛋小汉堡💗Kid Friendly💗Homemade Chicken Nuggets Burger with Egg 


{材料} 小餐包,炸鸡肉块,煎蛋,美乃滋酱,紫菜片。 **配料-亲子南瓜酱,小黄瓜和圣女果(自行选择哦)。 


1. 全部材料准备好后,把鸡肉块和鸡蛋煎至两面金黄即可。 
2. 小餐包切开但别切断,依序先放一些美乃滋,煎蛋片,紫菜片,再一些美乃滋,加上炸鸡肉块和一些美乃滋即可享用咯。 

Homemade Chicken Nuggets Burger with Egg 

{Ingredients} Dinner roll, chicken nuggets, fried eggs, mayonnaise, roasted seaweed. **Side dishes-pumpkin sauce, baby cucumber, cherry tomatoes (personal preference). 


1. Get ready all the ingredients, fry the chicken nuggets and eggs till cooked. 

2. Cut the dinner roll but don’t cut all, arrange the ingredients start by some mayonnaise , follow by fried egg, seaweed, then again some mayonnaise , add on chicken nuggets and mayonnaise. Serve warm hot. 

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