Friday, October 28, 2022

紫薯一锅熟饭 Purple Sweet Potato One Pot Rice

 Purple sweet potato+yellow sweet potato+potato one pot rice really super quick but still delicious and nutritious, can add some extra veggies or anything else or just purely potatoes will do. 紫薯+黄番薯+马铃薯用电饭锅焖熟,材料简单的快手餐但不失美味营养哦。纯紫薯的口感会比较自然,加了黄薯和马铃薯就丰富更丰富一些。三薯一锅熟饭的配料可以很随意,或者绝对可以什么都不加。 

紫薯一锅熟饭Purple Sweet Potatoes One Pot Rice 

紫薯1个 Purple sweet potato 1 pcs 
黄薯1个 Yellow sweet potato 1 pcs 
马铃薯2个 Potatoes 2 pcs 
白米2杯 White rice 2 cups 
胡萝卜块适量Some carrots pieces 
甜椒块适量Some bell peppers pieces 
蒜碎适量Some chopped garlic 
姜碎适量 Some chopped ginger 
小红葱碎适量Some chopped shallots 
蝶豆花水+清水550毫升 Blue pea water+water 550ml 
无盐黄油30克 Unsalted butter 30g 
西兰花适量 Some boiled broccoli 
水煮鸡蛋适量 Some hard boiled eggs 

豆瓣酱1茶匙 Bean paste 1 tsp 
酱油1汤匙 Soy sauce 1 tbsp 
甜酱油3汤匙 Sweet soy sauce 3 tbsp 
鸡精1/2汤匙 Chicken stock 1/2 tbsp 
胡椒粉适量 Some pepper 
***拌均匀 (除了豆瓣酱 )Mix well(Except bean paste) 

1. 马铃薯、紫薯和黄薯洗净去皮切小块状,再用清水去掉淀粉质,沥干备用。Wash and peel off the skin of potatoes, purple + yellow sweet potatoes, cut into small pieces, then rinsed with running water , until the water begins to run clear, drain and set aside. 
2. 白米洗三遍后,加入蝶豆花水+清水550毫升。Stir and rinse white rice 3 times, then drain; add in blue pea water+water 550ml. 
3. 起无盐黄油锅爆香蒜姜葱碎,接着加入豆瓣酱炒香后,加入马铃薯、黄薯,紫薯和胡萝卜块翻炒片刻,加入调味料、白米和蝶豆花水+清水550毫升,翻炒均匀加入甜椒块再次拌均。Heat up unsalted butter to sauté chopped garlic, ginger, and shallots till fragrant, add in bean paste to stir fry a while, add in potatoes, yellow+purple sweet potatoes and carrots to continue frying, follow by add in seasonings, white rice and 550ml of blue pea water + water, lastly add in bell pepper to mix well. 
4. 全部倒入电饭锅内,按下煮饭键煮熟即可。Transfer everything into a rice cooker, cook as you would regular rice. 
5. 西兰花先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫1分钟左右,捞起沥干过冷水备用。鸡蛋用蒸锅蒸13分钟后过冷水剥掉外壳切片备用。Blanch over broccoli with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 1 min, drain well, soak in cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. Hard boiled eggs sliced or cut into half as side dish. 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

紫薯木糠杯 Purple Sweet Potato Serradura

Simple No Bake Dessert: Purple Sweet Potato Serradura | 简单又好吃👉🏻紫薯木糠杯 Serradura also known as sawdust pudding or Macau pudding, is a well-known Portuguese dessert, popular in both Portugal and Macau, with a layered appearance alternating between whipping cream and crumbled Marie biscuits. You can alter the recipe by using different types of biscuits.  制作过程超简单,不用烤箱的甜品:紫薯木糠杯, 绝对好看又好吃耶💜💕 

紫薯木糠杯 Purple Sweet Potato Serradura 

紫薯泥300克 Purple sweet potato paste 300g 
消化饼 200-250克 Digestive biscuit 200-250g 
鲜奶油400毫升 whipping cream 400ml 
香草精几滴 Vanilla extract few drops 
甜炼奶2汤匙 Sweet condensed milk 2 tbsp 

1. 紫薯洗净表皮,去皮切成小块状,用清水清洗,洗几次,上蒸锅蒸25分钟左右。Clean purple sweet potatoes, peel off skin and cut into small pieces, rinse well with water for few times, steam for 25 mins or until soft. 

2. 蒸好加入蒸紫薯水/清水搅拌成泥状即可。Pour in steamed purple sweet potato water / clean water blend until smooth puree will do. 

3. 消化饼用搅拌器搅成碎粉状,看似木糠一样咯。Blend the digestive biscuit into thin powder. 

4. 鲜奶油+香草精+炼奶中高速打发至出现明显的纹路后加入紫薯泥低速拌均匀即可。Whip whipping cream + vanilla extract + condensed milk under medium high speed until the texture become fluffy, add in purple sweet potato paste and mix well under low speed. 
5. 然后一层打发的紫薯鲜奶油,一层消化饼干碎,重复至8分满就可以了。Assemble the layers together, alternate layering the purple sweet potato whipped cream mixture and biscuit powder, repeat until 80%full of your deserts bowl. 

6. 盖好放入冰箱冷藏至少2小时以上再享用最美味。要吃时才铺上熟紫薯粉和满满的鸡肉丝。Cover and keep refrigerated for at least 2 hours or overnight. Dusting with purple sweet potato powder and chicken floss before serving. 

***打发鲜奶油的容器等预先放入冰箱冷藏至少30分钟。Chilled mixing bowl and whisk attachment 30mins in advance before use to whip up the cream.  

Saturday, October 15, 2022

看谁都顺眼You are your greatest asset


“You are your greatest asset. 

Put your time, effort and money into training, grooming, and encouraging your greatest asset.” 
– Tom Hopkins 

 More about [Purple] rules 🆓 e-Book👇🏻 
🌈爱自己の紫言紫语💟正向心灵胶原蛋白修心语录 Positive Affirmations Special Designed for Self Care💜Collagen Notes For Lifelong Soul Wellness 
🌈紫。慧录 The Jewel of “Violet” 
➡️ ***PURPLE rules: Blue (Men) + Red (Women) = Purple (We=Equality) ***紫的定律: 蓝(男人)+红(女人)= 紫(我们=同等) 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

一心一用 Multitasking Mode Off

Internal forces matter.
Our inner attitudes affect our behavior. 
Sometimes “multitasking” mode should be turned off for more peaceful life. 

更多【紫言紫语】的🆓🍎电子书👇🏻 More about [Purple] rules 🆓 e-Book👇🏻 

Positive Affirmations Special Designed for Self Care💜Collagen Notes For Lifelong Soul Wellness 

🌈紫。慧录 The Jewel of “Violet” 

 ***PURPLE rules: Blue (Men) + Red (Women) = Purple (We=Equality) 
 ***紫的定律: 蓝(男人)+红(女人)= 紫(我们=同等) 

#正向能量 #positivethoughts#正向心灵胶原蛋白语录 #紫言紫语 #正向思维 #紫の正向语录 #紫慧录 #婆妈经 #婆妈胶原蛋白经 #MWCollagenNotes #正向心理学 #心灵健康 #紫的定律 #QQ紫 #PurplevioletNotes #VioletQuotes #positiveaffirmations #positivepsychology #soulwellness #happylife #healthylifestyle #purplerules 

Sunday, October 2, 2022

我们与吉蒂猫有个约会 Hello Kitty Vlog

终于解决了拖了很久的博文,属于Hello Kitty与我们的点点滴滴。有时会觉得自己很傻重复地游玩相同的景点,但每次去都有不一样的人事物与体验...说穿了,只要是自己喜欢的,而且幸运的又有至亲愿意舍命陪娘子,在能力所及之下选择尊从自己的内心继续写下不遗憾的人生故事。

Sanrio Puro Land Tokyo 

Sanrio Harmonyland 

Universal Studios Osaka 

Hello Kitty Shinkansen 
The cutest bullet train 

Hello Kitty Haruka Express

Odaiba Hello Kitty Japan 

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