清爽芥蓝 Stir Fry Kai Lan

芥蓝别名甘蓝菜、盖蓝菜、白花芥蓝等, 适合一般人群, 不过, 据说阳痿患者忌食. 吃芥蓝的前提是要适量, 数量不应太多, 次数也不应太频繁. 因为中医认为, 芥蓝有耗男女人真气的副作用. 久食芥蓝, 会抑制性激素分泌. 中医典籍《本草求原》就曾记载, 芥蓝“甘辛、冷, 耗气损血”.


{材料} 芥蓝x200g(洗净, 切大片状), 蒜头瓣x1(切碎)

{调味料} 绍兴酒 1 大匙, 蚝油2大匙, 高汤x ½ 杯, 太白粉水1 大匙


1.把芥蓝放入沸水中川烫; 捞起备用. (水里放入盐与油少许)

2.锅中烧热1大汤匙油爆香蒜片后, 倒入绍兴酒拌炒一下. 放入芥兰, 再调入蚝油与高汤; 用大火快炒后, 用太白粉水苟芡即可

Stir Fry Kai Lan

{Ingredients} Kai Lan x 200g (wash and cut into large sheet), garlic clove x 1 (chopped)

{Seasonings} Shao Xing wine x 1 tbsp, oyster sauce x 2 tbsp, stock x ½ cup, cornstarch solution x 1 tbsp.


1.Kai Lan blanch in boiling water, remove and drain. Set aside. (In hot water, must add in little salt and oil.)

2.Heat up 1 tbsp oil in frying pan to saute chopped garlic until fragrant, pour in shao xing wine to stir fry a while. Add in Kai Lan, then season it with oyster sauce and stock; continue to stir fry over high heat, thicken the sauce with cornstarch solution and dish up.

Previous: 番茄蛋花汤


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