Friday, December 21, 2012

干炒马铃薯肉碎 Fried potatoes with minced pork

马铃薯🥔又称土豆、 山药蛋、洋芋等, 是一种大众化的食品, 是人们生活中不开缺少的粮食之一. 有说”每天一苹果, 医生远离我”, 其实从营养价值来看, 马铃薯🥔可是胜过苹果🍎. 根据国外营养专家检测发现, 马铃薯所含蛋白质与维生素B1相当于苹果的十倍, 维生素C是苹果的三倍半, 维生素B2和铁质是苹果的3倍, 磷是苹果的2倍, 糖和钙质与苹果相当, 就只有胡萝卜素含量略低于苹果. 很多人不敢吃马铃薯, 说怕胖, 但事实上马铃薯所含的淀粉比米饭、馒头、主食面包的热量低, 且饱腹感更强. 不过要注意的是, 马铃薯的芽含有龙葵碱, 会引起起腹泻或神经麻痹, 食用前务一定要将其去除干净.


{材料} 马铃薯 3 粒, 肉碎适量, 青葱丝适量, 蒜头瓣2 (切碎), 姜碎 5克

{调味料} 蚝油1汤匙, 酱油2汤匙, 黑酱油1/2汤匙, 盐, 糖与胡椒粉适量, 水适量, 栗粉水1汤匙


1. 马铃薯洗净, 连皮先在滚水里煮15分钟至软. 然后泡在冷水中, 去皮切大片状.

2. 肉碎适量用麻油1茶匙, 盐, 胡椒粉与生粉适量腌一会儿.

3. 起油锅, 爆香姜蒜碎, 放入肉碎炒均匀; 调入蚝油1汤匙, 酱油2汤匙, 黑酱油1/2汤匙, 盐, 糖与胡椒粉适量, 水适量, 再放入马铃薯片焖煮10-15分钟, 最后以栗粉水勾芡, 撒上青葱丝即可.

Fried potatoes with minced pork

{Ingredients} Potatoes x 3 , minced pork in proper amount, some spring onion, garlic cloves x 2 (chopped), chopped ginger x 5g

{Seasonings} Oyster sauce x 1tbsp, soy sauce x 2 tbsp, black soy sauce x ½ tbsp, some salt, sugar, pepper and water, corn flour solution x 1 tbsp.


1. Wash the potatoes, cook in boiling water with the skin for 15 minute or till tender. Then soak in cold water, remove skin and cut in big pieces.

2. Marinate minced pork with sesame oil, salt, pepper and cornstarch for a while.

3. Heat up oil in frying pan to saute chopped ginger and garlic till fragrant, add in minced pork to stir-fry and mix well; season with oyster sauce, soy sauce, black say sauce, salt, sugar and pepper, add in some water, then lastly put in potatoes to stew for 10-15 min. Lastly thicken with corn flour solution and then sprinkle with spring onion.

Previous: 炸鸡柳 Fried chicken fillet


  1. 通过【妈妈们的私房菜】,来到你的幸福小天地,用心写的就是最好的!谢谢你的分享!Keep blogging! 有空来我部落格坐坐吧!


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