Friday, April 5, 2013

培根拌炒金针菇 Bacon Fried Enoki Mushroom


{材料} 金针菇 2 包, 培根5条(切丝), 西兰花(切朵状), 胡萝卜丝和青葱粒适量

{调味料} 绍兴酒½大匙, 黑胡椒粉, 盐与香油少许.


1. 金针菇切掉根部, 洗净后用滚水, 过冷水和沥干水分备用.

2. 另一锅滚水中放一点盐和食用油, 把西兰花与胡萝卜丝川烫一下备用.

3. 平底锅烧热, 放入培根丝, 以小火把双面煎至酥脆后, 取出锅备用.

4. 把锅内的培根油倒出, 留一点于锅內, 放入金针菇拌炒至软后, 倒入绍兴酒与加入西兰花与胡萝卜丝炒均匀.

5. 然后, 调入些许黑胡椒粉, 盐与香油, 最后加入青葱粒翻炒两下, 撒上煎好的培根丝即可.

Bacon Fried Enoki Mushroom

{Ingredients} Enoki mushroom x 2 packages, bacon x 5 slices (shredded), broccoli (cut into flower shape), some carrots (shredded) and some spring oinion (chopped)

{Seasonings} ShaoXing wine ½ tbsp, some balck pepper, and salt and sesame oil.


1. Cut off the enoki mushroom’s roots, washed and blanch with boiling water, remove and refresh under cold water.

2. Again, bring adequate water with some oil and salt to boil, blanch broccoli and shredded carrots for 1-2 mins, remove and drain, set aside.

3. Heat up pan, put in sliced bacon, deep fry with low heat until it turn crispy, remove and set aside.

4. Leaves some bacon oil in pan, put in enoki mushroom to stir fry until tender, pout in shaoxing wine and add in broccoli and shredded carrots to mix well.

5. Then, season with black pepper, salt and sesame oil, lastly add in spring onions, stir fry for a while, add in crispy shredded bacon. Dish up.

做法1-2; method 1-2
做法3-5; method 3-5
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