Sunday, May 5, 2013

培根炒芦笋 Stir Fry Asparagus with Bacon

培根, 近来爱用它来拌炒…芦笋是世界十大名菜之一, 是蔬菜之王, 也是一种”名贵”的蔬菜. 喜欢它无脂肪而且清鲜爽口, 很多高级宴会上常见此菜出没哦!


{材料} 培根与芦笋适量, 蒜碎2 大匙.

{调味料} 盐 ½ 茶匙, 鱼露1 茶匙, 鸡粉1 茶匙, 米酒1 茶匙, 黑胡椒粉适量


1. 平底锅烧热, 放入培根丝, 以小火把双面煎至酥脆后, 取出锅备用.

2. 芦笋洗净, 去掉下边的皮后切斜片; 用加了盐与油的沸水川烫1分钟, 沥干备用.

3. 用刚才的培根油爆香蒜碎, 然后把芦笋片放入拌炒; 再加入调味料炒至香浓后加入培根即可.

Stir Fry Asparagus with Bacon

{Ingredients} Bacon and asparagus in proper amount, chopped garlic x 2 tbsp.

{Seasonings} Salt x ½ tsp, fish sauce x 1 tsp, chicken powder x 1 tsp, rice wine x 1 tsp, some black pepper.


1. Heat pan, put in bacon to deep fry till crisp, remove and set aside.

2. Wash and clean asparagus, remove bottom skin of asparagus and sliced it; blanch over boiling water that add with little salt and oil for 1 min, drain well.

3. Reuse the bacon’s oil, stir fry chopped garlic and add in sliced asparagus to mix well; add in seasonings to continue stir-fry until aromatic, lastly add in crisp bacon and dish up.
做法1-2; method 1-2
做法3; method 3
Previous: 芝麻甜面包 Sweet Sesame Seeds Buns

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