Friday, November 15, 2013

蒜味三色甜椒 Garlic Bell Pepper

蒜味三色甜椒 Garlic Bell Pepper


{材料} 红,黄青甜椒片, 嫩姜碎, 蒜碎适量。

{调味料} 鸡汤2汤匙, 香油1/2 汤匙, 盐一点。


1. 甜椒片用热水加点油与盐川烫, 沥干备用。
2. 锅中用热油爆香姜蒜碎, 加入甜椒片与调味料拌炒均匀即可。

Garlic Bell Pepper

{Ingredients} Some red, yellow and green bell pepper (sliced) chopped ginger and garlic.

{Seasonings} Chicken stock x 2 tbsp, sesame oil x ½ tbsp, a pinch of salt.


1. Blanch sliced bell pepper over hot water that add with some oil and salt, drain well and set aside.

2. Heat up a pan with some oil to sauté chopped ginger and garlic till fragrant, add in bell pepper and seasonings to stir-fry for a while to ensure mix-well will do. Serve hot.

Previous: 耶菜甜椒肉碎炒饭 Broccoli Bell Pepper Pork Fried Rice

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