Wednesday, December 18, 2013

酸梅酱蒸豆腐鱼片 Plum Sauce Steamed Tofu Fish Fillets

P酸梅酱蒸豆腐鱼片Plum sauce steamed tofu fish fillets

{材料} 鱼片(洗净), 豆腐(洗净切丁状, 用温热的盐水浸着), 香菜(洗净切成小段状, 用热水加一点盐与油烫一分钟后, 沥干备用), 蒜碎, 姜碎适量。

{腌料} 酸梅酱2茶匙,绍兴酒1/2汤匙,盐,胡椒粉与栗粉少许。

{调味料} 酱油1汤匙


1. 鱼片用腌料腌上15分钟, 然后把豆腐沥干后加入装鱼片的蒸盘中。

2. 将蒸锅的水煮沸后,把豆腐鱼片放入蒸锅以中火蒸12分钟至熟。

3. 热2大匙的油锅,爆香蒜姜碎至金黄色后,淋入酱油即熄火,把酱汁淋在蒸好的豆腐鱼片上, 最后撒上香菜段轻轻拌均即可。

Plum Sauce Steamed Tofu Fish Fillets

{Ingredients} Catfish fillets (wash), tofu (wash and diced, soak in warm salt water), fresh cilantro (wash, chopped and blanch over hot water that add with some salt and oil for 1 min, drain and set aside), chopped garlic and ginger.

{Marinades Sauce} Plum sauce x 2 tsp, Shaoxing wine x ½ tbsp, some salt, pepper and corn starch.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tbsp


1. Fish fillets marinate with marinades sauce for 15 mins, then add in tofu that drain well.

2. Bring enough water for steaming to boil, put in the tofu fish fillet in the steamer to steam for 12 mins till cooked.

3. Heat up 2 tbsp oil, sauté chopped garlic and ginger till golden brown color, pour in soy sauce and switch off, pour over the sauce on top of tofu fish fillet plate, add in cilantro and slowly mix it well. Serve hot.

Previous:  蒜香意大利面 Garlic Spaghetti

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