Tuesday, December 31, 2013

菠菜甜椒培根意大利面 Spinach Bell Pepper Bacon Spaghetti

{材料} 培根3片(切丝),鸡蛋2粒(加入盐与胡椒粉打散), 意大利面, 菠菜(洗净), 红黄甜椒(洗净切丁状), 蒜碎适量。

{调味料} 橄榄油3大匙, 盐,黑胡椒粉与鸡粉少许。


1. 取一深锅煮水至滚沸,加入少许盐,再放入意大利面,煮至八分熟时捞起,拌入适量橄榄油后备用。

2. 将煮过意面的烫水倒在洗净的菠菜上,让菠菜焯一下后过冷水备用。

3. 鸡蛋液煎成蛋饼后切短丝备用。

4. 平底锅烧热, 放入培根丝, 以小火把双面煎至酥脆后, 取出锅备用.

5. 在煎培根的油锅内加入橄榄油烧热, 爆香蒜碎后, 加入甜椒丁拌炒。

6. 然后, 把意大利面与其它调味料加入拌炒均匀, 再加入菠菜,蛋丝与培根拌炒均匀即可。

Spinach Bell Pepper Bacon Spaghetti

{Ingredients} Bacons x 3 slices (shredded), eggs x 2 (beaten with some salt and peper), spaghetti, spinach (washed), red and yellow bell pepper (wash and diced), and chopped garlic.

{Seasonings} Olive oil x 3 tbsp, some salt, black pepper and chicken powder.


1. Bring some water with salt to a boil; add spaghetti to boiling water to cook for 9 mins, remove and mix with some olive oil.

2. Pour the hot water that used to cook spaghetti over the spinach, then rinse with cold water and set aside.

3. Egg mixture that done pan fried cut into shredded.

4. Heat pan, put in sliced bacons to deep fry till crisp, remove and set aside.

5. Add in olive oil in the pan that used to deep fry bacon and bring it hot to sauté chopped garlic till fragrant, add in diced bell pepper to stir-fry.

6. Then, add in spaghetti and other seasonings to mix them , lastly add in spinach, egg and bacon to continue stir-frying for mix well will do.

Previous: 姜汤红糖双色汤圆 Tang Yuan in Sweet Ginger Soup

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