Friday, January 3, 2014

香煎鱼饼 Fried Fish Cakes

香煎鱼饼 Fried Fish Cakes
过程虽然有点复杂, 但是整体上还算简易的, 马鲛鱼肉确实太黏手啦!下次换鸡肉或许其它鱼肉吧...


{材料} 马鲛鱼肉300克,鸡蛋一粒, 萝卜碎, 芹菜叶碎/青葱丁,姜碎,小红葱碎与干辣椒碎适量, 地瓜粉1大匙, 栗粉1/2大匙

{调味料} 盐1茶匙, 糖1茶匙, 麻油1/2 茶匙, 米酒1茶匙, 乌醋与胡椒粉少许


1. 把鱼肉剁成鱼胶状后, 放入其它材料与调味料搅拌均匀, 分成等分的鱼丸状待用。

2. 油锅烧热后, 转成中火, 用汤匙取一分鱼肉放入热锅里轻轻压扁成饼状。

3. 把鱼饼的两面煎成金黄色即可。 

Fried Fish Cakes

{Ingredients} Mackerel fish paste x 300g,egg x1, chopped carrot, chopped cilantro/ green onion, chopped ginger, chopped shallot and dried chili, tapioca starch x 1 tbsp, corn starch x ½ tbsp.

{Seasonings} Salt x 1 tsp, sugar x 1 tsp, sesame oil x ½ tsp, rice wine x 1 tsp, some ChinKiang vinegar and pepper.


1. Mix fish paste with all the ingredients and seasonings, form mixture into patties.

2. Heat up pan with enough oil, turn to medium heat, use spoon to take the patties and slowly press it as fish cake shape.

3. Shallow-fry the fish cakes till golden brown and serve hot.
Previous: 菠菜甜椒培根意大利面 Spinach Bell Pepper Bacon Spaghetti

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