Friday, July 4, 2014

家庭式的槟城炒粿条 Home style Penang Char Koay Teow

蛮考基本功的炒粿条,但是他的最爱又一直嚷嚷很想念那滋味, 努力说服自己为他而炒, 贤慧吧, 呵呵。食谱参考ohbinJenny Ong,炒了几次后终于有那想念的滋味啦, 当然不是百分百但有超过50分算合格咯, 不能吃虾的我没有放虾。 家庭味始终不及火候极佳的街边驰名槟城炒粿条, 但是绝对是意外惊喜的家常美味之一。第一次买粿条还买错, 不过泰式粿条用这种炒法一样可口, 多了一点嚼劲!


{材料} 粿条一包, 腊肠(切片),蒜碎2大匙,鸡蛋两粒,豆芽, 青葱x 1 (洗净切丝, 代替韭菜的因为我不吃), 辣椒碎1茶匙, 猪油大约5大匙 (爱吃蛤的可以自行加入!)

{调味料} 酱油4汤匙,黑酱油1大匙, 蚝油2茶匙,鱼露1茶匙, 糖1茶匙, 麻油与胡椒粉少许混合均匀在一小碗中备用。


1. 粿条先用沸水很快的川烫一下即可捞出, 加点麻油以防黏在一块。(如果是买到那种新鲜做的, 不用川烫!)

2. 腊肠先在锅中煎香取出备用。

3. 用回刚煎过腊肠的锅, 加入3大匙猪油爆香蒜与辣椒碎, 放入腊肠, 一半的豆芽与青葱丝拌炒一下。(油一定要很热哦!)

4. 然后把粿条加入, 随即淋入2大匙的调味料, 大火快速翻炒均匀后推去一边。

5. 转中火淋入1大匙猪油把蛋打入, 淋上调味料与胡椒粉在鸡蛋上; 把粿条盖在蛋上, 再加入剩下的调味料,豆芽与青葱丝继续翻炒均匀即可。(喜欢油亮一点的这时候可以再加适量的猪油!)

Home style Penang Char Koay Teow

{Ingredients} Flat rice noodle / koay teow x 1 pack, chinese sausage ( shredded), chopped garlic x 2 tbsp, eggs x 2, bean sprouts, green onions x 1 (wash and shredded, replace for leek as im not eat leek.), chopped chili x 1 tsp, lard x 5 tbsp (Add in bloody cockles if you like!)

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 4 tbsp, black soy sauce x 1 tsp, oyster sauce x 2 tsp, fish sauce x 1 tsp, sugar x 1 tsp, some sesame oil and pepper, mix all together in a small bowl and set aside.


1. Blanch the flat ricenoodle over boiling water for few seconds and drain it well, add in some sesame oil to prevent it stick together. (If possible, buy the freshly made koay teow, no blanching needed then!)

2. Pan fry the chinese sausage till fragrant and set aside.

3. Use bc the same frying pan, add in 3 tbsp lard to sauté chopped garlic and chili till fragrant, add in chinese sausage, half of the bean sprouts and green onions to stir-fry evenly. (Must ensure the lard is hot !)

4. Then add in koay teow follow by 2 tbsp seasonings, stir-fry over high heat to mix them well and push the koay teow to one side.

5. Turn to medium heat, add in 1 tbsp lard and crack the eggs in with some seasonings and pepper on top; flip the koay teow to cover the egg, add in another half of bean sprouts and green onions plus balance of seasonings to continue stir-fry quickily till well combined. Serve immediately. ( If prefer more oily, can add in some lard at this point!)
Home style Penang Char Koay Teow
Previous: 蒸蟹炒粉丝 Boiled Crab Legs with Vermicelli


  1. 我好久都没吃了。。。我在流口水。。。

    1. 呵呵,我是很想念那正宗的滋味才自我挑战的,味道还是不够香!

  2. 我每个星期都一定炒一次给女儿当饭盒的, 煮到不知该煮什么了! 哈哈。。

    1. 哇噻,每个星期我可不行,炒到我手酸啊!真心佩服你这伟大的妈咪!


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