Thursday, November 26, 2015

快手烤排骨 Oven Baked Baby Ribs

快手烤排骨 Oven Baked Baby Ribs

Thanksgiving holiday's mode is ON, so simply not much work cooking is my preference to enjoy the family day! Happy Thanksgiving and shopping for those love the black Friday's deal!


{材料} 排骨

{调味料} 排骨酱2汤匙


1. 排骨用清水洗净后,用排骨酱腌上2小时。

2. 把腌好的排骨排好在裹了一层铝箔纸的烤盘上。

3. 预热烤箱200◦C/400◦F, 放入排骨烤上35-45分钟或至熟即可。

Oven Baked Baby Ribs

{Ingredients} Baby spare ribs

{Seasonings} Spare ribs sauce x 2 tbsp


1. Wash and clean the spare ribs, marinate with spare ribs sauce for 2 hours.

2. Wrapped the baking dishes with aluminum foil, place ribs on the baking dishes.

3. Preheat oven 200◦C/400◦F, bake for 35-45 mins or till cooked.

Previous: 白凤丸炖鸡汤 Chicken Soup with Pill Bak foong

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