Friday, January 25, 2013

蛋炸豆腐球 Deep Fried Egg Balls

豆腐是绿色健康食品, 是素食菜肴的主要原料; 历来受到男女人们的欢迎, 被人们誉为”植物肉”. 它含有丰富的蛋白质, 低脂肪, 不含胆固醇, 含钠量低, 并且含有丰富的植物性雌激素. 不过, 切记豆腐最好不要和菠菜一起煮.


{材料} 水煮蛋 3 个 (去壳,切丁), 马铃薯1粒(去皮,切丁), 板豆腐2块, 红萝卜(去皮, 切丁末状)60g, 香菇3朵(泡软,剪成丁), 青葱粒适量,鸡蛋1粒

{调味料} 糖 1 ½ 茶匙, 盐2茶匙, 麻油½茶匙, 胡椒粉1茶匙, 蚝油1茶匙, 酱油1汤匙, 面粉2汤匙, 栗粉2茶匙, 合隆炸粉2茶匙.


1. 马铃薯丁放入蒸锅中蒸15分钟或至熟, 然后用汤匙压成泥状.

2. 豆腐洗净, 压成泥状; 放入碗中, 加入已切/剪好的红萝卜丁, 香菇丁, 青葱粒, 水煮蛋丁与马铃薯泥; 再加入调味料搅拌均匀, 捏成一粒粒的豆腐球状备用.

3. 将鸡蛋打入碗中拌均, 放入豆腐球沾裹均匀, 再放进热油锅中炸成金黄色即可.

Deep Fried Egg Balls

{Ingredients} Hard-boiled eggs x 3 ( sut into cubes), potato x 1 (Peel and rise, cut into cubes), firm bean curd x 2, carrots x 60g (peel and finely chopped), dried mushrooms x 3 (soaked and diced), spring onion cubes in proper amount, egg x 1

{Seasonings} Sugar x 1 ½ tsp, salt x 2 tsp, sesame oil x ½ tsp, pepper x 1 tsp, oyster sauce x 1 tsp, soya sauce x 1 tbsp, flour x 3 tbsp, corn flour x 2 tsp, cook’s frying powder x 2 tsp


1. Steam potatoes cubes for 15 minute until tender, then use spoon to mash into paste.

2. Rinse bean curd and mash into paste; combine bean curd paste, carrots, mushrooms, spring oinion, hard boiled egg and potato paste in a bowl, season the micture with seasoning. Stir and mix well, shape into balls and set aside.

3. Beat egg in another bowl. Evenly coat the balls with egg mixture. Remove and deep-fey until it turn to golden brown color. Transfering to serving plate.

Previous: 巧克力椰浆燕菜

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