Tuesday, January 15, 2013

迷你香肠卷与面包 Mini sausage rolls and buns


{汤种/材料A} 高筋面粉 25g, 水 125ml
**将水与高筋面粉搅拌均匀, 用小火炉上慢煮, 一直不停的搅拌搅拌至面糊出现纹路的状态即可. 待凉后备用.

{面团材料} 高筋面粉 275g, 幼糖 7 大匙, 盐 1 茶匙, 即溶酵母 1茶匙, 鸡蛋 2粒, 水/牛奶 50ml , 汤种, 有盐奶油/牛油2大匙

{馅料} 香肠x 4 条 (切丝, 放入微波炉加热1 分钟备用)

{抹皮} 鸡蛋1粒(加些许盐, 打散), 溶化牛油少许.


1. 准备所有材料, 倒入高筋面粉, 糖, 盐, 酵母, 鸡蛋与汤种/材料A于搅拌器用低速度搅拌大约1-2分钟, 慢慢加入水/牛奶继续以低速度搅拌2-3分钟. (除了牛油)

2. 当面团可以拉得很薄又不会容易破裂, 再加入牛油后搅拌大约1分钟或至拌均.

3. 取出面团, 倒入大碗中, 用保鲜膜或湿布盖着发酵至少1小时至发至双倍大.

4. 然后, 将面团里的空气压出来, 揉一揉面团至光滑, 让它休息15分钟后再分割.

5. 将面团分割成需要的份量后做成圆型, 休面十分钟.

6. 把某些面团杆平卷起8cm长, 取些许香肠丝, 用面团卷起, 露出两端. 其余的面团压扁包入香肠丝即可.

7. 将香肠卷与包了香肠丝的面包团排在烤盘上, 记得要留些距离以免黏在一起.

8. 在面包上抹上蛋液, 也可以在一些面包团洒上白芝麻, 用保鲜膜或湿布盖好再发酵30分钟.

9. 预热烘炉200度,放入烘烤12分钟或至金黄色. 取出扫上溶化牛油待冷.

Mini sausage rolls and buns

{Ingredients A} Bread flour or high protein flour x 25g, water x 125 ml
**Combine bothand mix it well, cook under slow heat on the stove, must stirring continuely until the batter form the lines shape. Set aside and let cool.

{Dough Ingredients} Bread or high protein flour x 275g, , castor sugar x 7 tbsp, salt x 1 tsp, instant yeast x 1 tsp, egg x2 , water / milk x 50ml, ingredient A, melted salted butter x 2 tbsp.

{Filling} Sausages x 4 (shredded, heat for 1 mintute in microwave)

{Glazing} Egg x 1(mixed with some salt, lightly beaten), a little melted butter


1. Get ready all the ingredients, put bread flour, sugar, salt, instant yeast, egg and ingredient A into a mixing bowl and mix well under slow speed for 1-2 min, slowly pour in water /milk and continue use slow speed to knead the dough for 2-3min. (Except butter)

2. When the dough can pull into very thin sheet without tearing, add in melted butter and continue to knead till well combined.

3. Remove dough from mixing bowl and out into greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap or wet cloth for at least 1 hour to prove till double in bulk.

4. Then, punch down to let out the pressure in the dough and knead again till smooth, leave aside to rest for 15 min before divide it.

5. Divide into desired portions and form into rounds shape, rest for 10 minutes.

6. Shape some of the round into a roll about 8cm long, take some shredded sausage and use the dough to roll around it with showing the two ends. Balance dough wrap up filling and form into ball shape.

7. Arrange sausage rolls and buns on a greased baking tray, remember leave some space in between to prevent sticking.

8. Brush with beaten egg, also can sprinkle sesame seeds on top of some bread doughs, cover with plastic wrap or a damp cloth and leave to prove for about 30 minutes till double in bulk.

9. Baked in a pre-heated oven at 200◦C or 400◦F for 12min or till golden brown. Remove, brush with melted butter and leave to cool.

做法1-4; method 1-4
做法5-7; method 5-7
做法8-9; method 8-9
Previous: 咖哩马铃薯面包 Curry Potatoes Buns

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