Sunday, August 23, 2015

九层塔洋葱炒蛋 Fried Egg with Basil and Onion

九层塔洋葱炒蛋 Fried Egg with Basil and Onion


{材料} 鸡蛋3粒 (加点麻油,酱油和胡椒粉打散), 洋葱碎,萝卜丝,九层塔(切成条状或随意)


1. 起油锅,加入洋葱碎炒香后才加入萝卜丝和九层塔拌炒一下。

2. 倒入蛋液煎至双面金黄,切成块状即可趁热上菜。

Basil and Onions Fried Eggs

{Ingredients} Eggs x 3 (beaten with some sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper), chopped onion, shredded carrots, basil (strips or any personal preference is fine)


1. Heat up oil, add in chopped onions to sauté till fragrant only add in carrots and basil.

2. Pour in the egg’s mixture to fry till both side turn to golden yellow color, cut into bite-sized and serve hot.

Previous: 肉卷三鲜 Meat Rolls with Tri Veggies

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