Saturday, August 15, 2020

幼滑马铃薯泥 Creamy Mashed Potatoes

幼滑马铃薯泥 Creamy Mashed Potatoes

我家天使们很爱很爱很爱奶味十足的薯泥,很多时候是我煮好但在她们眼里看起来有点“干”,她们还会要求酱汁再多一点,所以喜欢奶味浓郁的自行再加10-20毫升的牛奶哈 (50克=50毫升)。


{材料} 马铃薯250克, 牛奶50毫升,无盐牛油18克, 盐 ½ -1茶匙。

{酱汁} 蚝油1 ½ 汤匙, 玉米淀粉1 ½ 茶匙, 红糖1 ½ 茶匙, 牛奶3汤匙, 水150毫升, 胡椒粉适量, 搅拌成混合酱汁备用(除了牛奶在煮时才加入)。


1. 马铃薯洗净去皮切块状, 蒸锅蒸20-25分钟至熟后压成泥状。(喜欢更绵密的口感,请用搅拌器搅成泥哈。)

2. 接着锅内放入无盐牛油融化后,放入薯泥,盐和牛奶,开始中火搅拌至稍微收干即可。(盐一点点的加入比较好,随个人的口味哦)

3. 然后,锅中再放入1汤匙的牛油融化后,倒入搅拌好的酱汁煮滚后加入牛奶搅拌均匀就OK啦,趁热享用味道极佳。(可以撒上些干香料,除了视觉效果也能提提味啦,哈哈😄)

Creamy Mashed Potatoes

{Ingredients} Potato x 250g, milk x 50ml, unsalted butter x 18g, salt x ½ -1 tsp.

{Sauces} Oyster sauce x 1 ½ tbsp, corn starch x 1 ½ tsp, brown sugar x 1 ½ tsp, milk x 3 tbsp, water x 150ml, some pepper, mix all well (except milk only add in while cooking).


1. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut into diced shape, steam for 20-25mins, mash the potatoes with potato masher until smooth or use blender to blend it.

2. Follow by add in unsalted butter to melt in a cooking pan, add in mash potatoes, salt and milk, begin to stir-fry under medium heat till slightly thicken will do. (Salt add in slowly according to personal preference). Set aside.

3. Then, add in another 1 tbsp of unsalted butter to melt, follow by add in the well mixed sauce and bring it to boil only add in milk to continue stirring till combine. Serve hot. (Sprinkle up some mixed herbs if wish too.)

Previous: 面包比萨 Bread Pizza

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