一直以来,麻糬和糯米糍傻傻分不清楚...不过就是很爱吃这类甜点,做着做着做上瘾啦。不过这次买了阿莫杂货铺的限量版紫薯粉太给力了,省下不少时间,完成品的颜色太令我满足了。放入冰箱冷藏后才吃也是棒棒哒...有时候色香味俱全的“完成品”是必需的,吃了也更有滋味,也很疗愈心情呢😄 花生内馅紫薯大麻糬 {材料} 糯米粉150克,玉米淀粉30克, 限量版紫薯粉1汤匙半,玉米油10克 (用猪油更香), 红糖30克,温水230-250克(不同牌子的糯米粉吸水量不一样哦),盐少许。 {花生内馅} 花生碎50克(也可以买阿莫现成的花生碎),红糖10克 ,花生酱2汤匙。 {裹粉} 玉米淀粉3-5汤匙 (干锅炒10分钟左右变成熟粉备用。) {做法} 1. 先把花生内馅材料拌均匀,搓成圆球状,放入冰箱冷藏备用。 2. 将糯米粉和玉米淀粉过筛后加入红糖和紫薯粉拌均,逐步加入温水搅拌成均匀的糊状。 3. 把面糊倒入加了10克玉米油或猪油的蒸碗中再次拌均,放入蒸锅蒸20-25分钟左右(面糊全部变透明即可)。 4. 出锅趁热用筷子搅拌约一分钟,用一个保鲜袋或保鲜膜,里面倒入一点玉米油/猪油,把搅拌好的糯米团待稍微凉后全部装进袋子里,轻轻揉约一分钟。(此时可把花生馅料从冰箱取出待用。) 5. 面团从袋子取出后,揉搓成长条状,根据自己的喜好切块状后擀平,将花生馅料放入包好裹粉即可。(过程会很粘手,所以请用一次性手套或善用刚才的一次性纸袋或保鲜膜) Purple Sweet Potato Mochi with Peanut Filling {Ingredients} Glutinous rice flour x 150g, corn flour x 30g, purple sweet potato powder x 1 ½ tbsp, corn oil x 10g (use pork lard if got), brown sugar x 30g, warm water x 250g, a pinch of salt. {Peanuts Filling} Peanuts x 50g, brown sugar x 10g, peanuts jam x tbsp. {Coatings} Corn starch x 3-5 tbsp, (Dry pan, fry for 10 mins to turn it to cooked powder.) {Directions} 1. Mix all the peanuts filing ingredients well, turn it to ball shapes and keep it in refrigerator. 2. Mix the sifted glutinous rice flour and corn flour first, follow by add in brown sugar and purple sweet potato powder, then slowly add in warm water to form a batter. 3. Pour the batter into a steamed bowl that already add in 10g of corn oil, mix them well, to steam for 20-25 mins. (or when the batter is completely cooked) 4. Stir with chopstick for about 1 min when done steamed, pour a little oil in a Ziploc plastic bag, drop the cooked paste inside the bag and knead well for about 1 min. (Take out the peanut filling balls from refrigerator now) 5. Remove it out from the plastic bag, roll it into long strip and cut it into square bite size, put in the peanuts filling’s ball in center, close it up and coat it evenly with cooked corn starch powder, serve and enjoys! (Please use disposable plastic gloves or utilize the Ziploc platic bag to close the peanuts filling ball as it will be very sticky.) Previous:清汤干捞米粉 Clear Soup Instant Rice Vermicelli |
A lifelong learning blog that focus on easy to follow home cooking recipes and a woman thoughts based on PURPLE rules in self-growth, parenting, men and women. QQ紫的生活杂记, 从「轻」开始, 从「紫」开始, 为自己从「心」补充生活所需的胶原蛋白,让每个男女人们的身心灵保持高「紫」量的弹性.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
紫薯花生内馅大麻糬 Purple Sweet Potato Mochi with Peanut Filling
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