Saturday, August 22, 2020

自制肉丸子豆腐蛋花汤 Homemade Meatball Tofu Egg Drop Soup

自制肉丸子豆腐蛋花汤 Homemade Meatball Tofu Egg Drop Soup


{自制肉丸材料} 猪肉碎200-250克, 小红葱碎1茶匙,姜碎一点,虾两只,鸡蛋液1茶匙,青葱丁1汤匙,玉米淀粉1-2茶匙,盐和胡椒粉适量。全部材料拌均匀,用手搓圆备用。(可以多做一些,搓圆后马上速冻冷藏。)


{材料} 肉丸20粒,鸡蛋2粒(加入一点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),蛋豆腐1条(切块状),小萝卜条适量(切条状),高汤或清水适量(我做给两个娃的份量就600毫升),蒜碎和小红葱碎适量。

{调味料} 酱油1茶匙,芝麻油 ½ 茶匙,盐和胡椒粉适量, 玉米淀粉水一汤匙。(勾薄芡而已;淀粉1茶匙,水一汤匙)


1. 取一深锅,用橄榄油爆香蒜葱碎后加入高汤或清水,肉丸,蛋豆腐和小萝卜条煮沸。

2. 煮沸后,加入玉米淀粉水搅拌一下后,慢慢地淋入鸡蛋液和其它调味料轻轻搅拌均匀后再次煮滚即可。

Homemade Meatball Tofu Egg Drop Soup

{Meat ball Ingredients} Minced pork x 200-250g, chopped shallots x 1tsp, some chopped ginger, shrimp x 2pcs, egg mixture x 1 tsp, diced green onions x 1 tbsp, corn starch x 1-2 tsp, some salt and pepper. Mix all together, shape it to round ball shape. (Can do more in advance to keep frozen in fridge)

***Choose tender Loin when you buy the meat, better taste.

{Ingredients} Meat balls x 20pcs, eggs x 2 (beaten with some soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), egg tofu x 1 (cut into pieces), some baby carrots (sectioned), some broth or water (for 2 angels’ portions, I use 600ml), some chopped garlic and shallots.

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tsp, sesame oil x ½ tsp, some salt and pepper, corn flour solution x 1 tbsp (to slightly thicken the soup; corn starch 1 tsp, water 1 tbsp)


1. Use soup pot, heat up a tbsp of olive oil to saute chopped garlic and shallot till fragrant only pour in the broth or water, follow by meat balls, egg tofu and baby carrots, bring it to boil.

2. Then, add in corn flour solution and stirring a while, slowly pour in the egg mixture and bring it to boil again, serve hot.

Previous: 香茅蜂蜜菊花柠檬姜茶 Lemongrass Honey Lemon Chrysanthemum Ginger Tea

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