Friday, May 28, 2021

万用紫薯馅 Multipurpose Purple Sweet Potato Filling


纯天然无添加的紫薯馅,3种材料就能做出万用的紫薯馅料!它可以直接用来做成紫薯包子、面包或蛋糕,也可以做成有紫薯馅料的包子、面包馅、蛋糕馅等。Multipurpose natural purple sweet potato paste suitable to use for making steamed bun, bread or cake,etc. 真心觉得特别实用超级百搭的紫薯馅料好吃又超容易做…最最最重要的是它是紫色的,哈哈哈😂 自家制做就觉得特别亲子😂



1. 番薯馅料先炒至水份稍微收干即可,待凉搓成丸子备用或速冻保存即可。 

***小份量:紫薯泥100克(按压方式压成粗泥状 ),10克糖和8-10克油。 

Brown Sugar Purple Sweet Potato Filling 

{Filling Ingredients} Steamed sweet potato puree x 400g (add some water, using blender to blend it till smooth mixture), brown sugar 30-40g, corn oil 30-40g. 

1. Stir-fry the sweet potato puree with corn oil and brown sugar till slightly thickening, shaping into a small ball and set aside or keep frozen for later days. 

***Small portion: Sweet potato 100g (press the steamed diced sweet potato with fork till desired smooth texture), 10g brown sugar of sugar, 7-8g corn oil 

Friday, May 21, 2021

核桃红糖香蕉杯子蛋糕 Brown Sugar Walnut Banana Cupcakes

香蕉味极浓的斑兰核桃红糖香蕉杯子蛋糕,等不及香蕉有斑点,她们就很热心地说要帮忙做蛋糕😂,因为她们想吃。还要临时突发奇想非要加入斑兰粉变成Pandan味😅…小孩子就是能没有太多的想法而轻易地活出自己。只要是合理的,愿每个孩子们在成长的过程中能够保留自己独一无二的样子。等久久的核桃香蕉杯子蛋糕,很适合多重身份的「婆妈」。节奏拿捏好,不至于太赶。Brown Sugar Walnut Banana Cupcakes with pandan flavor...purposely choose to follow waiting time slightly longer's recipe.To make a soft and moist, easy to make banana walnut cupcake is worth to wait and i can occupied the waiting time to cook my angels' meal.


{材料} 熟透香蕉泥450-500克,柠檬汁½茶匙,苏打粉1茶匙,鸡蛋3粒,红糖80克,自发面粉150克,盐½茶匙,斑兰粉1茶匙,核桃碎适量,玉米油50毫升。 


1. 熟透的香蕉用叉子或按压器压成泥状,加入柠檬汁,然后再加入苏打粉混合均匀后盖好静置45分钟。 
2. 鸡蛋和红糖用搅拌器打散,搅拌至糖融化即可,不必打发。然后,筛入自发粉、盐和斑兰粉搅拌至无颗粒状备用。(别搅拌过度哦!) 
3. 加入香蕉泥和核桃碎拌均再盖好待发30-40分钟左右,最后加入玉米油搅拌均匀,让面糊再休息5-10分钟后才把面糊倒入杯子蛋糕的纸杯中,准备烤。 
4. 预热烤箱160°C, 烤20-25分钟左右。(烤箱温度得自行拿捏哦!) 


 Brown Sugar Walnut Banana Cupcakes

{Ingredients} Mashed very ripe banana x 450-500g, lemon juice ½ tsp, baking soda x 1 tsp, eggs x 3, brown sugar x 80g, self-raising flour x 150g, salt ½ tsp, pandan powder 1 tsp, some chopped walnuts, corn oil x 50ml. 


1. Mash the very ripe bananas in a bowl until fine, add in lemon juice & baking soda to mix them well and set aside for 45mins. 
2. Beat the eggs and brown sugar till well combined, don’t need to be foamy. Then, sift in the self-raising flour, salt, and pandan powder to stir and mix until the flour is fully combined . (Do Not over mix!) 
3. Add in mashed banana and walnuts, gently stir till to ensure well combined and let it rest for another 30-40 mins. Then, pour in corn oil, continue stirring till mix well, let the batter rest for 5-10 mins. before pour the batter into the paper cups. 
4. Preheat oven 160°C, baked for 20-25 mins. (Oven temperature adjust accordingly.) 

 ***Before preheat the oven, pour in 200ml water at the bottom of oven, to have a better or nice cake surface plus more moisture texture. 

Saturday, May 15, 2021

亲子DIY手作爱心卡片 Easiest DIY Handmade Greeting Card

How to make the easiest but lovely DIY handmade paper greeting card for any festively day? Here is an idea 💡 that 4 years old and above can DIY with lots of ♥️ heart ♥️ in less than 10 mins (adult’s speed). 大人们10分钟内搞定一张4岁以上的孩子们都可以做的💗爱心💗卡片, 适合各种欢乐的节庆哦。2021年的Teacher’s Day, C 说要跟“婆妈”一起做出很多很多❤️爱心💙美美的+心意满满的卡片送她的老师们。虽然以她们的速度要分成几天完成,最重要的彼此都是乐在其中😉。 

➡️各种颜色纸 - 心形折纸 12x12cm 
➡️画纸的背面半张 - 剪成10X2cm 
➡️剪刀,刀片,胶水,尺 - 有造型剪刀可以用来剪出心形(卡里边的) 

 Basic Tools: 
❤️Dark&light colour A4 paper - Origami heart 11x11cm 
🧡Back of drawing block half piece - cut into 10X2cm 
💛Colour pens, magic water colour pens 
💚Scissors, utility cutter, glue stick, ruler - Can use craft scissors to cut the heart (insides of the card) 
💙Sticky heart shape note pad 
💜Colorful heart stickers 

About Easy Origami Heart Tutorial’s video: 
🌷简单心形折法 Easiest Origami Heart Shape 
🌷冒出心形Pop-up heart 

 ➡️DIY Tools DIY工具: 
👇彩色A4纸 Colourful A4 Papers 
👇手作基本工具店Unicorn Store 
👇多色水彩笔 Magic Colour Pens 
👇切割垫 Cutting Mat 
👇造型剪刀 Craft Scissors 
👇胶水 Glue 
👇 4色心形便条贴纸 Sticky Stick 4 Colours Heart Note
👇心形彩色小贴纸 Colourful Heart Stickers

Friday, May 7, 2021

甜椒炒鸡蛋+清炒小白菜/青江菜Fried eggs with bell pepper + Stir-fried Bok Choy


甜椒炒鸡蛋+清炒小白菜/青江菜Fried eggs with bell pepper + Stir-fried Bok Choy 💗2021的母亲节不一样💗J难得炒了鸡蛋后还特意说要炒青菜给妈咪吃,因为在她们眼里我很爱吃蔬菜🥬😍💖。Every bite is enjoyable once thinking about her “hardworks.” 对大人们而言是太简单的家常菜,但对她来说像是完成了巨大“功课”般重要的事情,除了感动还是感动到不行😘🥰😍 


{材料} 红黄甜椒丁各2汤匙,鸡蛋2粒(加一点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),小白菜2个(洗净切丝),鸡肉碎(加点酱油和芝麻油腌一下),萝卜丝,蒜碎,和小红葱碎适量。 

{调味料} 鲍鱼汁1茶匙,盐和清水/高汤适量。 

1. 小白菜先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫1分钟左右,捞起沥干过冷水备用。 
2. 起油锅爆香蒜葱碎,先把甜椒丁翻炒片刻,倒入鸡蛋液炒熟备用。 
3. 再起油锅爆香蒜碎后,加入鸡肉碎炒至变色,加入胡萝卜丝拌炒一下,接着调入适量高汤,鲍鱼汁和一点盐翻炒至汤汁再次煮沸即可。 

Fried eggs with bell pepper + Stir-fried Bok Choy 

{Ingredients} Some Red and yellow bell pepper (diced) x 2 tbsp, eggs x 2 (beaten with soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), bok choy x 2 (shredded), minced chicken(marinade with some soy sauce and sesame oil), some shredded carrots, some chopped garlic and shallots. 

{Seasonings} Abalone sauce x 1 tsp, some salt and water/broth. 

1. Blanch over shredded bok choy with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 1 min, drain well, soak in cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. 
2. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic and shallots till fragrant, add in diced peppers to stir fry a while, add in egg mixture and fry until cooked and set aside. 
3. Heat up another round of oil to saute chopped garlic till fragrant, add in minced chicken to stir fry until change color, add in carrots to stir-fry a while, follow by add in some water/broth, abalone sauce and salt to continue stir-frying until the sauce is boiling again. Serve hot. 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

滑蛋伊面 + 蝴蝶结面 Creamy Egg Sauce Yee Mee+Bowties Pasta

中式滑蛋法+ 蝴蝶结面+伊面。蝴蝶结面(Farfalle/ Bowties)如其名,形状就像一个个蝴蝶结,造型可爱所以深受小孩子喜爱特别是女孩子们都抗拒不了😍😋。这是6个大人(伊面)➕3个小孩(蝴蝶面)的份量哦。 这酱汁搭配河粉,粿条,米粉等都OK哦




1. 起一汤匙油锅爆香适量蒜葱碎,加入调味料A和川烫好的蝴蝶面/伊面快炒均匀,捞起放入电饭锅里面保温。 
2. 接着把锅再加入1汤匙的油把蒜葱姜碎炒香,加入所有配料(除了鸡蛋液和栗粉水)和调味料B煮滚。 
3. 然后加入栗粉水勾芡,再次煮滚时快快把蛋液分散倒入锅里才能看到蛋花,再次煮沸后即可关火。把适量的伊面/蝴蝶结面放入盘里,再淋上已经煮好料多多的滑蛋汤汁即可趁热享用啦。 

Creamy Egg Sauce Yee Mee/Bowties Pasta 

{Ingredients} Yee Mee 6 pcs (pre-cook with boiling water for 2 mins, drain well and set aside), bowties pasta(pre-cook with boiling water, drain well and set aside), chopped garlic, chopped shallots, a pinch of chopped ginger, scallops meat 6 pcs (sliced), fish balls 6 pieces (sliced), french bean 5 pieces (sliced), shredded king oyster mushroom, shredded carrots, eggs x 4 (beaten with some sesame oil and pepper), corn starch solution (6 tbsp of corn starch and 5 tbsp of water, mix them well and set aside). 

{Seasonings A-Bowties/Yee Mee} Black soy sauce 5 tbsp, soy sauce 2 tbsp, fish sauce 1 tsp, water 6-8 tbsp. 

{Seasonings B-Sauce} Water 1000ml, abalone sauce 1 tbsp, Shaoxing wine 1 tbsp, soy sauce 2 tbsp, few drops of black soy sauce, brown sugar 1 tsp, sesame oil 1 tsp, some pepper. (Mix all well and set aside). 

1. Heat up 1 tbsp of oil to saute chopped garlic, follow by add in seasonings A and the cooked yee mee/bowties pasta to stir-fry till well combined, then put in rice cooker to keep it warm. 
2. Then, add in another 1 tbsp of oil to saute chopped garlic,shallot and ginger till fragrant, add in all other ingredients (except egg mixture and corn starch solution) and seasonings B and bring it to boil. 
3. Add in corn starch solution, bring it to boil again only pour in the egg mixture evenly to make creamy gravy, bring it to boil only turn off the stove. Put some yee mee/bowties pasta on the serving plate, pour over with right amount of creamy egg sauce that just cooked, serve it hot! 
***Ingredients can be very flexible according to your “stocks” availability. 

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