Friday, May 21, 2021

核桃红糖香蕉杯子蛋糕 Brown Sugar Walnut Banana Cupcakes

香蕉味极浓的斑兰核桃红糖香蕉杯子蛋糕,等不及香蕉有斑点,她们就很热心地说要帮忙做蛋糕😂,因为她们想吃。还要临时突发奇想非要加入斑兰粉变成Pandan味😅…小孩子就是能没有太多的想法而轻易地活出自己。只要是合理的,愿每个孩子们在成长的过程中能够保留自己独一无二的样子。等久久的核桃香蕉杯子蛋糕,很适合多重身份的「婆妈」。节奏拿捏好,不至于太赶。Brown Sugar Walnut Banana Cupcakes with pandan flavor...purposely choose to follow waiting time slightly longer's recipe.To make a soft and moist, easy to make banana walnut cupcake is worth to wait and i can occupied the waiting time to cook my angels' meal.


{材料} 熟透香蕉泥450-500克,柠檬汁½茶匙,苏打粉1茶匙,鸡蛋3粒,红糖80克,自发面粉150克,盐½茶匙,斑兰粉1茶匙,核桃碎适量,玉米油50毫升。 


1. 熟透的香蕉用叉子或按压器压成泥状,加入柠檬汁,然后再加入苏打粉混合均匀后盖好静置45分钟。 
2. 鸡蛋和红糖用搅拌器打散,搅拌至糖融化即可,不必打发。然后,筛入自发粉、盐和斑兰粉搅拌至无颗粒状备用。(别搅拌过度哦!) 
3. 加入香蕉泥和核桃碎拌均再盖好待发30-40分钟左右,最后加入玉米油搅拌均匀,让面糊再休息5-10分钟后才把面糊倒入杯子蛋糕的纸杯中,准备烤。 
4. 预热烤箱160°C, 烤20-25分钟左右。(烤箱温度得自行拿捏哦!) 


 Brown Sugar Walnut Banana Cupcakes

{Ingredients} Mashed very ripe banana x 450-500g, lemon juice ½ tsp, baking soda x 1 tsp, eggs x 3, brown sugar x 80g, self-raising flour x 150g, salt ½ tsp, pandan powder 1 tsp, some chopped walnuts, corn oil x 50ml. 


1. Mash the very ripe bananas in a bowl until fine, add in lemon juice & baking soda to mix them well and set aside for 45mins. 
2. Beat the eggs and brown sugar till well combined, don’t need to be foamy. Then, sift in the self-raising flour, salt, and pandan powder to stir and mix until the flour is fully combined . (Do Not over mix!) 
3. Add in mashed banana and walnuts, gently stir till to ensure well combined and let it rest for another 30-40 mins. Then, pour in corn oil, continue stirring till mix well, let the batter rest for 5-10 mins. before pour the batter into the paper cups. 
4. Preheat oven 160°C, baked for 20-25 mins. (Oven temperature adjust accordingly.) 

 ***Before preheat the oven, pour in 200ml water at the bottom of oven, to have a better or nice cake surface plus more moisture texture. 

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