Saturday, June 26, 2021

自制外酥里嫩的炸鸡块 Homemade Crispy Chicken Nuggets

 0失败‼️自制亲子外酥里嫩的炸鸡块,炸好后C&J说很像麦当劳的耶😊一次过可以做多一些,整理成条状后速冻保存起来,要吃时才拿出室温退温10分钟,切片调好面糊,炸一炸就能吃到啦😋Simply Juicy Delicious😋Homemade Crispy Chicken Nuggets, double the recipe to enjoy now and later! Having Homemade Nuggets Whenever You Get The Craving❗️ 


{鸡肉馅料} 去皮无骨鸡胸肉450克(切小块状),熟马铃薯块100克,蒜米3汤匙,姜碎½茶匙,葱白3-5根(切块状),鸡蛋一粒,五香粉½茶匙,胡椒粉1茶匙,盐1茶匙,玉米淀粉2汤匙,蚝油1汤匙。 


1. 鸡肉块+熟马铃薯块+葱白、蒜米和姜碎搅成泥状, 加入鸡蛋、五香粉、胡椒粉、盐和玉米淀粉搅拌匀后,调入蚝油再次搅拌均匀。 
2. 放入保鲜膜中,整成长条状放入冰箱冷冻2-3小时(不马上炸来吃的就继续冷冻保存2-3个月)。 
3. 面糊预先调好,冷冻好的鸡肉取出,切成大小适中的厚块,裹上面糊。 
4. 锅中倒入适量橄榄油加热,放入鸡肉块中小火慢炸至双面金黄色,捞出控油。 
5. 搭配番茄/辣椒酱或其它你喜欢的酱,趁温热享用。 

Homemade Chicken Nuggets 

{Chicken filling Ingredients} Boneless skinless chicken breast 450g (cut into small pieces), steamed potato pieces 100g, chopped garlic 3 tbsp, chopped ginger ½ tsp, diced bottom of green onions 3-5 pieces, egg x 1, five spice powder ½ tsp, pepper 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp, corn starch 2 tbsp, oyster sauce 1 tbsp. 

{Batter Ingredients} All purpose flour 2 tbsp, cook’s frying powder 2 tbsp, corn starch 2 tbsp, water 100 ml, egg yolk x 1, black pepper 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp. 
***Can replace cook’s frying powder with all purpose flour. 

1. Blend bite sized chicken pieces + steamed potatoes + onions, garlic & ginger until smooth texture, add in egg, five spice powder, pepper, salt and corn starch to mix well, follow by season in oyster sauce and mix until well combined. 
2. Transfer to plastic wrap, roll into long strips and keep frozen for 2-3 hours (can keep up to 2-3 months if not eat now). 
3. Prepare the batter, take out the solid chicken meat from frozen to room temperature to rest for 10 mins before cutting into pieces, coat each piece with batter evenly. 
4. Fry the chicken nuggets in hot olive oil until golden brown, remove and drain on kitchen towel. 
5. Enjoying your nuggets while warm hot with favorite sauces.

Friday, June 18, 2021

轻乳酪杯子蛋糕 Cotton Cheese Cupcake

 水浴法👉🏻口感细腻轻盈的棉花乳酪杯子蛋糕盒,亲子活动算非常顺利,有些许回缩,基本上不开裂,虽然貌不惊人但是口感真的绵密柔软😋冷藏2-3小时后食用最佳。Water bath👉🏻Fluffy and light cream cheese cupcakes, a timeless recipe that kids love always, fail proof even 1st trying together with 6 years old little one. Refrigerated for 2-3 hours before eating will has a premium taste. 

棉花乳酪蛋糕 Cotton Cheese Cake 


{材料A} 奶油乳酪250克,牛奶130毫升,玉米油50克,蛋黄5个。 
{材料B} 低筋面粉40克(过筛),玉米淀粉20克(过筛),盐½茶匙。 
{材料C} 蛋白5个,幼糖60克,柠檬汁½茶匙。 

1. 将材料A(除了蛋黄)隔水煮溶后,用手搅拌器把一个个加入的蛋黄拌均匀。 
2. 然后,筛入材料B搅拌至无颗粒状,过筛后放入冰箱冷藏备用。 
3. 准备搅打材料C,中速将鸡蛋白打出一些泡泡后加入柠檬汁搅拌30秒后加入第一次幼糖,搅拌至出现纹路后加入第二次幼糖继续搅拌至出现很明显的纹路加入最后的幼糖(幼糖分三次加入),打至中湿性发泡即可(提起有弯钩,倒转过来蛋白不会掉下)。 
4. 将一半的蛋白霜拌入蛋黄乳酪糊里,上下翻拌均匀后,倒回在另一半的蛋白霜内继续翻拌混合均匀,不可划圈哦。 
5. 把拌好的蛋糕糊倒入杯子蛋糕的纸杯中,大力震几下消消大气泡后准备烤。 
6. 预热烤箱150°C, 烤35-45分钟左右。(烤箱温度得自行拿捏哦!) 
7. 让蛋糕在烤箱门微开的状态闷上10分钟, 出炉待冷后放入冰箱冷藏2-3小时后再食用味道更好。 

 Cotton Cheese Cupcakes 

{Ingredients A} Cream cheese 250g, milk 130g, corn oil 50g, egg yolks 5pcs. 
{Ingredients B} Cake flour 40g(sifted), corn starch 20g(sifted), salt ½ tsp. 
{Ingredients C} Egg white 5 pcs, castor sugar 60g, lemon juice ½ tsp. 

1. Melting all ingredients A over a double boiler, add in egg yolk 1 by 1 each time to mix it well. 
2. Then, sift in ingredients B and mix until the flour is fully combined, sifting the batter and keep refrigerated. 
3. Whisk ingredients C-whisk egg whites till got bubbles add in lemon juice to beat for 30 seconds, divide the sugar to 3 portions, add 1 each time to whisk until medium peaks is formed. 
4. Add 1/2 of the egg whites mixture in egg yolk cheese batter, mix in 1 direction by fold it through up&down style, once well combine pour it back on top of the leftover egg white mixture to whisk until fully combined. 
5. Follow by pouring the batter into the paper cups, knock out the big bubbles and get ready to bake. 
6. Pre-heated oven 150°C, bake for 35-45mins. (Oven temperature adjust accordingly.) 
7. Leave to cool in oven with door ajar for about 10mins as sudden changes in temperature may cause the cake to cool too quickly and collapse, refrigerate for 2-3 hours before eating will has a better taste. ***Before preheat the oven, pour in right amount of water at the bottom of oven, to create a sauna effect but will not add dampness to the cake through water bath baking.

Friday, June 11, 2021

腐皮高丽菜 拌蛋 Bean Curd Skin Cabbage with Fried Eggs


包菜/高丽菜/卷心菜+腐皮+炒鸡蛋,简单的调味,快手家常菜但营养成分挺高的亲子家庭味。Lock down again, quick and easy recipe to survive in such rush weekdays life to be a mom, wife, teacher, cook, cleaner, etc. 


{材料} 高丽菜丝适量,腐皮一张(泡软撕成大块妆),萝卜丝,鸡蛋2粒(加一点酱油,胡椒粉和芝麻油打散备用),蒜碎,小红葱碎适量。 



1. 起油锅爆香蒜小红葱碎,先把鸡蛋炒熟备用。 

2. 再起油锅爆香蒜碎后,加入萝卜丝和腐皮,调入盐和一些清水/高汤拌炒一下,加入高丽菜丝和适量的清水/高汤,调入蚝油,盖好焖煮大约3-5分钟左右。 

3. 然后,把炒熟鸡蛋加入翻炒至汤汁再次煮沸就OK了。 

Bean Curd Skin Cabbage with Fried Eggs 

{Ingredients} Some shredded cabbage, bean curd skin 1 piece(soaked till tender, tears into bite size pieces), some shredded carrots, eggs x 2 (beaten with soy sauce, pepper and sesame oil), some chopped garlic and shallots. 

{Seasonings} Oyster sauce ½ tbsp (can increase to 1 tbsp), salt ½ tsp, some water/broth. 


1. Heat up oil to sauté chopped shallots till fragrant, fry the egg mixture till cooked and set aside. 

2. Heat up another round of oil to saute chopped garlic till fragrant, add in carrots and bean curd skin to stir fry a while, season in salt and some water/broth to continue stir-frying, add in cabbage and some more water/broth, season in oyster sauce, cover up and simmer cook for 3-5mins. 

3. Then, add in cooked eggs to continue stir-frying until the sauce is boiling again. Ready to serve. 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

波兰种紫薯包子 Poolish Purple Sweet Potato Steamed Bun

波兰种酵头👉🏻除了用来做面包,其实用在包子或馒头也十分OK,做出来的口感和风味很不错的哟…亲子活动一起体验做包子就算揉不够和过头口感一点都不会差哦,只是波兰种的包子整形后发酵会快一点,如果速度不一致会导致出锅的状态不佳,不过不影响口感的,呵呵😄🤭Poolish starter(pre-fermented) is able to deliver more soft and better flavors that “straight” dough won’t be able to give you. 


{波兰种} 包粉/普通面粉50克,干酵母1克,清水50毫升。 

{主面团材料} 包粉/普通面粉 230克,熟番薯泥60克(块状/泥状),干酵母3克,糖15克,玉米油或其它植物油8克,水90毫升左右。 


1. 波兰种提前准备好,全部材料拌均后,盖上盖子室温发酵至少3小时后才能用或者室温发酵1小时后移去冰箱冷藏隔夜大约15小时左右再用。 

2. 将全部材料放入面包机内,混合均匀揉至光滑面团和发酵至两倍大(大约60分钟左右)。 

3. 将发酵好了的面团在撒了些面粉的桌面擀平排气,搓成长条状,分成合适的份量,休面十分钟左右再搓成小圆团后就开始整形做成你喜欢的形状(做馅料包子,整形后的小面团包入番薯/其它馅料捏紧)封口朝下放入已经铺上一层防油纸的蒸锅中,二次发酵10-15分钟左右即可(波兰种整形后依据室温发酵比普通面种来得快一些)。 

4. 水煮开后,放上蒸锅中大火蒸12分钟左右,熄火焖3-5分钟。趁热享用或待凉后速冻,速冻请在1-2个月内吃完最好。 


Poolish Purple Sweet Potato Steamed Bun 

{Poolish} Bao /all purpose flour 50g, instant yeast 1g, water 50g. 

{Main Ingredients} Bao /all purpose flour 230g, sweet potato puree 60g (pieces/puree),instant yeast 3g, sugar 15g, oil (corn oil or other vegetable’s oil) 8g, water 90ml. 


1. Prepare the poolish starter in advance, cover and set aside to let it fermented for at least 3 hours or 1 hour room temperature and then move to refrigerated for 15 hours only use. 

2. Mix all ingredients well in a bread machine, let it knead until a smooth dough forms and well fermented (about 60 mins). 

3.Transfer dough onto a floured surface, flatten and roll into a cylinder, divide dough into equal portions, let it rest for 10 mins only shape to desired shape (or add in the fillings) and sealed it well, place each bun on parchment paper and let it rest for 10-15mins (poolish bun rise more faster after done shaped). 

4. Place the shaped dough on the steamer that with boiling water to steam for about 12 mins under medium high heat. Serve hot or let it be cool and frozen it to keep for consume within 1-2 month. 

***Frozen bun do not need to thaw, only need to re-steam for 10 mins when want to consume!
***For better surface of buns, knead extra 1 min while transferring to floured surface, and add in a little bit lard will gives you a better outcome.

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