Sunday, August 8, 2021

自制椰糖冰淇淋 Homemade Gula Melaka Ice Cream

纯椰糖冰淇淋...在马来西亚,Gula Melaka=椰糖。英文翻译为coconut palm sugar. 椰糖是烹饪任何大马或东南亚美食常见的调味品,无论是主餐、前菜、面包、糕点、甜品等都能发挥其作用。用椰糖做出来的冰淇淋味道特别浓郁醇香,想要更亲子些可以将椰糖液减去20毫升左右。 


{椰糖液} 椰糖120克,清水50毫升,炼奶20毫升(可放斑斓叶3-5片,洗净打结加入煮至椰糖融化)。 

{材料} 鲜奶油400毫升,香草精几滴, 椰糖液100毫升。 ***打发鲜奶油的容器等预先放入冰箱冷藏至少20-30分钟。  


1. 椰糖+清水隔水小火慢煮大约10分或至椰糖溶化,待凉后,加入炼奶拌均匀冷藏一下。煮好的椰糖水只用100毫升(多出的拿来做馒头或面包或燕菜果冻等)。  

2. 鲜奶油+香草精低速开始打发1分钟后转去中速继续打发1分钟,然后高速打发2分钟至接近干性发泡即可。 

3. 一次过加入冷藏的椰糖炼奶, 轻轻翻拌均匀后,倒入模具。 速冻冷藏至少要6-8小时左右才能享用,隔夜最佳。  

Homemade Gula Melaka Ice Cream  

{Syrup} Gula Melaka (palm sugar) 120g, water 50ml, condensed milk 20ml(Cook with few pieces of knotted pandan leaves if available). 

{Ingredients} Whipping cream 400ml, few drops of vanilla essence, gula melaka syrup 100ml. 

***Chilled mixing bowl and whisk attachment at least 20-30mins in advance before use to whip up the cream.  


1. Cook gula Melaka + water under low heat for about 10 mins or until the gula melaka fully dissolved. Mix with condensed milk while turn cool and keep refrigerated. Measure 100 ml of gula Melaka syrup(leftovers will refrigerated or frozen to use for bread or jelly making). 

2. Whip the cold whipping cream + vanilla essence with low speed at first for 1 min and turn to medium speed to continue whip for another 1 min, then high speed for 2 mins till form a firmer soft peak.  

3. Add in cold gula Melaka condensed milk mixtures and gently fold untill well mixed, pour into molds. Freeze for at least 6-8hours before enjoy it chill, or overnight is the best. 

 Previous: 波兰种碧根果地瓜吐司面包 Poolish Bun with Pecan and Sweet Potato

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