Sunday, August 1, 2021

波兰种碧根果地瓜吐司面包 Poolish Bun with Pecan and Sweet Potato



{波兰种} 高筋面粉50克,干酵母1克,清水50毫升。

{主面团材料} 高筋面粉 230克,鸡蛋一粒,干酵母3克,幼糖30克,盐2克,无盐黄油20克,冷藏牛奶90毫升左右。 


{抹皮} 融化牛油/牛奶适量 


1. 波兰种提前准备好,全部材料拌均后,盖上盖子室温发酵至少3小时后才能用或者室温发酵1小时后移去冰箱冷藏隔夜大约15小时左右再用。 
2. 将全部材料放入面包机内(除了黄油)混合均匀(大约5分钟左右),加入黄油揉至光滑面团和发酵至两倍大(大约50分钟左右)。 
3. 将发酵好了的面团在撒了些面粉的桌面揉捏排气,分成两份,搓成圆形休面十分钟左右。此时,碧根果切碎待用。 
4. 休面后,擀平排气卷成圆柱形再整形做成各种形状的面包,放入碧根果碎和熟地瓜块,包紧抹上一层牛奶,放入烘盘上盖好做二次发酵(约40-50分钟), 再抹上一层薄薄的牛奶。 
5. 预热烤箱170°C, 烤25分钟左右。取出抹上融化牛油。待凉切块即可享用咯。 

Poolish Bun with Pecan and Sweet Potato 

{Poolish} Bread flour/high protein flour 50g, instant yeast 1g, water 50g. 

{Main Ingredients} Bread flour 230g, egg 1pcs, instant yeast 3g, castor sugar 30g, salt 2g, unsalted butter 20g, cold milk 90ml. 

{Fillings} Steamed sweet potato 50g (pieces), some pecans. 

{Glazing} Melted unsalted butter/milk. 


1. Prepare the poolish starter in advance, cover and set aside to let it fermented for at least 3 hours or 1 hour room temperature and then move to refrigerated for 15 hours only use. 
2. Mix all ingredients in a bread machine(except butter) till well combined, add in butter and let it knead until a smooth dough forms and well fermented (about 50 mins). 
3. Transfer dough onto a floured surface, knead until well incorporated, divided into 2 portions, shape into circle shape, cover and rest for 10 mins. Cut pecan into fine chopped pieces. 4. Flatten and roll into a cylinder, shape to any desired shape , add in the filling and sealed well, glaze with a thin layer of milk. Cover and let it proof again for about 40-50mins. Brushing up another thin layer of milk. 
5. Pre-heated oven 170°C, bake for 25mins. Remove from oven and brush again with melted butter. Leave to cool only cut into pieces. 

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